redtop03's 360 gallon plywood adventure

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15133195#post15133195 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MattShack
I think the lights look good. I like the spectrum. Definitely a big difference before and after.

They use the Durawhite to mix with white cement to make pool walls look white. It's just an aggregate they use, but it looks like it would work for the aquarium. It would cost a few thousand to try and buy bags of aragonite sand.

I plan on the lights being higher above the tank,so the spread will be wider,their only 4 or 5 inches above the water now,I want 'em about 12 to 14 inches above

I don't see any reason the pool stuff wouldn't work
Yeah. I noticed that. I raising them up will help a lot.

Good news... My wife got tired of hearing me "whine" :D about building the aquarium. She got me a Home Depot credit card to start the build. Looks like its a go!!! Sooner than I thought. :hammer: :celeb1: :celeb3: :celeb2:

I guess it's the wood first. Will buy epoxy and stuff later. Probably going to start this weekend if I can wait that long.:D

I've been showing her pictures of big tanks and I think she's getting on board. Plus, she said she's tired of hearing me complain about waiting..:lol:

I feel like a kid at Christmas:D
Well then Matt, go on to Toys R Us (Home Depot) and go nuts!

Wait! You are a bad influence on me...the credit card idea sounds very good...I have a credit card too, one that my wife does not monitor...hmmm, the budget can go out the window very quickly, wow...Matt you're a genious!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15134036#post15134036 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MattShack
Yeah. I noticed that. I raising them up will help a lot.

Good news... My wife got tired of hearing me "whine" :D about building the aquarium. She got me a Home Depot credit card to start the build. Looks like its a go!!! Sooner than I thought. :hammer: :celeb1: :celeb3: :celeb2:

I guess it's the wood first. Will buy epoxy and stuff later. Probably going to start this weekend if I can wait that long.:D

I've been showing her pictures of big tanks and I think she's getting on board. Plus, she said she's tired of hearing me complain about waiting..:lol:

I feel like a kid at Christmas:D

thats great news,home depot credit card....the sky is the limit :D

the wood is what I started with,then bought stuff as I needed it,when you're making some progress,its more encouraging to keep going.....

furniture grade plywood is best to use(less imperfections)but it costs more....the more plys it has the stronger it is,2 inch screws are a bit long,1 5/8" would probable be better,gorilla glue is super strong and waterproof,but what I used was a waterproof construction adhesive in a caulking tube,can't remember the name though...but I wore it on my hands for over a week,use gloves

I'd been thinking about building a wood tank for about 2 years,I wish i had started then,but I have learned more about it now,so its probably good that I waited....back then I didn't know where to start

you'll soon be a kid in the candy store :D

you're starting your tank this weekend,and I gotta go back to work this least 1 of us is happy

I've got a plan for my sump baffles,I'll take pics after I get it done,I going to do that now
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15131184#post15131184 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redtop03
Matt,what'd you think about the reworking of my lights.......before and after


every thing is looking great redtop
I've had my material list for a while now. I've built it on paper so many times I don't think I even need a plan anymore. The length of the tank will be 10' and I'm using 8' plywood, so I will have a seam. I'm leaning towards using double 1/2" laminated together to give me 1" thick walls instead of 3/4. I'm also going to build it with a wood frame. Kinda like stud walls in a house. I want the extra support on the seams. I'm still working out the overflow. Think it will be external. I drew it up both ways on Sketchup and I like the external better.

Thanks for all of the recommendations. I'm making a list :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15134419#post15134419 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mightyevil
Well then Matt, go on to Toys R Us (Home Depot) and go nuts!

Wait! You are a bad influence on me...the credit card idea sounds very good...I have a credit card too, one that my wife does not monitor...hmmm, the budget can go out the window very quickly, wow...Matt you're a genious!

Haha... I think she's starting to feel bad cause she knows how much I want to do this and it seems every month something comes up to delay the project. I didn't want to use the credit cards, but I have permission now:) so I'm going with it. I'll just do my usual and worry about paying for it later:lol:

Played the sympathy card pretty good huh?:lol:
I finally added baffles to my sump,I hope the silicon will hold acrylic to the epoxy paint,when the water pressure is on feels like it will hold good

I also added a piece of acrylic for my float valve to mount to

I put the silicon on really heavy hoping it will hold better,we'll see tomorrow





if it hadn't been for my sister and my credit card,I'd never started mine...god know I can't save.. :D ..I'm having trouble buying a little now and a little later,but I don't have any other choice on that matter
Looking good. I think the silicone will hold, there won't be much pressure when the water levels are pretty close on either side.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15140263#post15140263 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MattShack
Looking good. I think the silicone will hold, there won't be much pressure when the water levels are pretty close on either side.

I think its gonna be fine,I think I needed the sump to be bigger,the little giant is dropping the water level about 5",I'm having to keep the sump almost full when the pumps not running,I might could drop it a little,but I don't want the pump sucking air,and its close to doing that.....I don't like that,there's no safety margin there,if my float valve sticks or something....I haven't been to bed since 4am yesterday...but I had to get the water flowing again,before I quit

while the silicon was curing,I did my plumbing,and I'm still not satisfied with it,


Hey Willie, I noticed you used flexible tubing for what seems to be your returns. Any particular reason you chose this method? I am assuming you wnt flexible to avoid any friction or resistance. Would it be too much to ask for a picture of what your return looks like in your display tank? Thanks!
Time to go to work:hammer:

Got the lumber today

This is the back where the aquarium will be located and fish room built. That is the glass in the wood crate on the right.

This is the living room where the aquarium will be. The entertainment center and the 75 gallon will be moved and the aquarum will be in that wall.

I've been looking forward to this, but after unloading the lumber, I have an idea of just how big and heavy this thing will be.
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Why did you change out the flex hose? I know I'm not there, but the plumbing looks good to me. That's a problem with the sump. Instead of starting over with the sump, can you build another one and plumb them together?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15142693#post15142693 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MattShack
The plywood was about 180. All of the lumber was 433.00

Wow, thats a lot of money...remember, measure twice revise and then do it all over again and theeeeeeeeen cut once.
Matt, any concerns with warpage in the plywood? It appears to already be curling and wondering if thats going to be an issue.
Also, I know you are double layering it to get 1" and to make it 10' and reinforce the joint, but, any plans to alternate the plys of the plywood so that one layer runs one direction and the next layer runs the other direction? You would basically be making a 2-ply plywood using plywood for the plys.