redtop03's 360 gallon plywood adventure

Willie, Haven't seen Kent's, I will check it out. I looked at that same epoxy resin and called the manufacturer and talked to them about our use. I was going to go with it then I read a post somewhere and found U.S. Composites. May go with them, they're cheaper for a 5 gallon kit. How much did you use?

Yes, 1000+ for the display tank (inside dimensions 125" x 52 x 40" = about 1125 gallons). Not sure what total volume will be yet. Haven't decided on my sump size or if I'm going to build it or buy something.

What are you doing for lights? Are you still considering OM 4 ways?

Check your PM's
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How wide is that top piece of plywood you have running along the top lenght of the front under your top brace? I looks like a good 4" to 5". I think if you glue and screw the top brace on, basically making that front piece double thick running the length of the front, you could cut the other two out and just leave the center (I would sand the epoxy that will be between the two pieces to rough it up and give the glue a good bite). That is my opinion. Plywood is very strong edge ways. I used to build houses and we have made beams using plywood to span large rooms to support upstairs floor loads. The actually outward pressure of the water is really not as much as it seems (from everything I've read).'s calculator only shows a center brace on a tank your size, even in all glass.
cap'n,I've not done anything more to it,except more paint...its not changed much as far as looks go....I called the glass company,they said my glass should be there Monday...I need to find out bout how long I need to wait for the paint to dry before the glass install....and I still need to get my silicon.

I'll take some pics of the install when I start that....its starting to look like an aquarium,and I anxious to get some water in it :)

matt,thats gonna be a nice tank......I only used 1 gallon of the epoxy,I got 2 heavy coat on all the walls and 4 on the bottom,I tried to make it thick in the corners,I didn't do the pour method,I used a bondo spreader,I tried to roll it on and tried to brush it on,neither way worked very well,the cloth I used was the 1.5,not very thick I know but I didn't have a clue what I was doing....I just hope I'll have enough to hold it all together with what I used,it is extremely strong as is,I used 3 gallon of sweetwater dark blue epoxy paint and rolled it on......yeah the top brace is 4" wide,with the plywood front its 4 3/4" my center cross brace is 4"wide and 2 layers thick,my other 2 braces are 2" and doubled....on adding the top to the tank,I thought about using the silicon and screws,do you think I should maybe epoxy the top on,and screws,I know the epoxy would be permanent,if for some reason I needed to remove it...for my lights I have 2 of the odyssea MH/PC combo's,I have replaced the MH ballasts and PC ballast on 1 of them,with the 250w Lumatec ballasts and the coralife PC ballasts,so 1 light is a dandy the other works but not up to snuff yet...but I'll use those til I can do better......I PM you back
sounds like to me your center brace would be fine with just the center support. I have used silicon as a glue for plywood and I would consider that just as permenant as epoxy. I tried to take some apart and the wood peeled away before the silicon would brerak. Either would work, and both would be permenant. I just thought the glue would be good insurance.
cap'n,I've not done anything more to it,except more paint,I just
finished the painting today,so its still tacky...its not changed much
as far as looks go....I called the glass company,they said my glass
should be there Monday...I need to find out about how long I need
to wait for the paint to fully cure before the glass install....and I still
need to get my silicon.

I'll take some pics of the install when I start that....its starting to
look like its gonna be an aquarium,and I anxious to get some water
in it :)

matt,thats gonna be a nice tank......I only used 1 gallon of the
epoxy,I got 2 heavy coat on all the walls and 4 on the bottom,I tried
to make it thick in the corners,I didn't do the pour method,I used a
bondo spreader,I tried to roll it on and tried to brush it on,neither
way worked very well,the cloth I used was the 1.5,not very thick I
know but I didn't have a clue what I was doing....I just hope I'll
have enough to hold it all together with what I used,it seems
extremely strong as is.......I used 3 gallon of sweetwater dark blue
epoxy paint and rolled it ask in another post how I liked the sweetwater paint,it rolls on fairly smooth with the epoxy rollers,but as you seen on acrosteves it looks great sprayed,they have the thinner for spraying it also,its got a strong smell,you'll need good ventilation and you should use a paint mask,it gives a real good headache

yeah the top brace is 4" wide,with the plywood front its 4 3/4" my
center cross brace is 4"wide and 2 layers thick,my other 2 braces
are 2" and doubled,I did narrow these down to what I had them
before.I think I just keep all 3 of the braces,I'm just not brave
enough to cut the other 2 out ...on adding the top to the tank,I
thought about using the silicon and screws,do you think I should maybe
epoxy the top on,and screws,I know the epoxy would be permanent,if for
some reason I needed to remove it,but it would be a lot stronger bond
than the silicon...and I also thought about using the same
construction adhesive that I assembled the tank with,that would
also be permanent....

for my lights I have 2 of the odyssea MH/PC combo's,I have replaced
the MH ballasts and PC ballast on 1 of them,with the 250w Lumatec
ballasts and the coralife PC ballasts,so 1 light is a dandy the other
works but not up to snuff yet...but I'll use those til I can do

I PMed you back with my e-mail address,I'll contact you through
e-mail about the OM and stuff,and see what we can work out,and thank you
I was reading more on the reeflo pumps,the snapper and the dart both use the 2'' input I only installed a 1 1/2" bulkhead,I wont be able to use those pumps for my closed loop,they'd be starved for water.....the barracuda at 4300 gph uses 1 1/2" input,I think it will work,that would add a lot more flow,its $288.99 at BRS,I think that be a great pump with the OM 4 way,what do you think?

you know,my swimming pool has a big pump on it....I hate taking care of that pool :)

right now though,I will probably just use my polario,and my modded MJ 1200's for the extra flow,if I can figure a way to mount the MJ's in there,I doubt my MJ magnet mounts will hold through the 3/4" plywood....the polario magnet will hold I think,I had to get my son to help me move it in my 150 gal. with 1/2" glass....very strong magnet

I was thinking I wanted the super squirt OM but after looking at it closer,the input and outputs are only 1",that wouldn't work with any of the reeflo pumps

if I had the barracuda and the OM 4 way for the closed loop maybe I could just use the eheim 1262 that I have now and be enough to feed my skimmers and refuge um,until I could afford a bigger pump .....or should I use my polario and MJ's,and try to get a bigger sump pump,first....then work on the closed loop when money permits?

so many options,so little money :(
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Ok, Options....

1)Go ahead and install a larger buldhead while it's still early in your build.
2)Plumb 2 bulkheads together to go to a 2" pump input.
3)Go with the Barracuda, Largest pump I know of with a 1 1/2" Inlet.

If it were me, I would go with and plumb the larger OM, either the super squirt or 4-way. I like the 4-way better for your tank and get by with the eheim you have, then buy the Barracuda when you can. This way, you don't have to start over when you get ready to upgrade, like I suspect you will if you go with the smaller OM. You won't be wasting money on something you probably won't be using later.

I'm not sure about the magnets through plywood. I haven't tried it, but I would bet someone on Reef Central has.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15024887#post15024887 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by biowerks
I hope that this hasnt been asked yet but did you just use one ply of glass on the sump?

I used one ply of the fiberglass mat in the sump,but the epoxy I applied thick,2 coats after the fiberglass
Cool, thanks for the quick reply at 1:30am on sat night, I thought I was the only one up and on RC... Wheres OneDumHikk?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15024950#post15024950 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MattShack
Ok, Options....

1)Go ahead and install a larger buldhead while it's still early in your build.
2)Plumb 2 bulkheads together to go to a 2" pump input.
3)Go with the Barracuda, Largest pump I know of with a 1 1/2" Inlet.

If it were me, I would go with and plumb the larger OM, either the super squirt or 4-way. I like the 4-way better for your tank and get by with the eheim you have, then buy the Barracuda when you can. This way, you don't have to start over when you get ready to upgrade, like I suspect you will if you go with the smaller OM. You won't be wasting money on something you probably won't be using later.

I'm not sure about the magnets through plywood. I haven't tried it, but I would bet someone on Reef Central has.

I think that would be best,get the larger OM 4 way and a pump that I could later use for the sump,after I could afford the barracuda

or get the OM 4way and the barracuda next and make do with the eheim for now as the sump pump,and upgrade it later...this option looks best
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15025161#post15025161 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by biowerks
Cool, thanks for the quick reply at 1:30am on sat night, I thought I was the only one up and on RC... Wheres OneDumHikk?

its 2:30 am here,I've went to bed 2 times already,but I can't get this tank out of my head :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15025171#post15025171 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redtop03
its 2:30 am here,I've went to bed 2 times already,but I can't get this tank out of my head :)

I thought I was the only one that did that. :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15026026#post15026026 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MattShack
I thought I was the only one that did that. :lol:

I finally went to sleep around 3:30 am,and back up at 8 am,I got my sump setting full of water....NO LEAKS :)

I just now took some pics,I'll get 'em uploaded to photobucket and post in a little while :)
I have a few pics now of the...."successful"..... sump water test,here they go :)






my cobbled up plumbing is just press together,its just got a slow drip
I sanded the frame for the glass and got it ready for the silicon also this morning,heres a few pics of that as well




I should have my glass tomorrow,I'll test fit it in there and see if there looks like any problems,then I need my silicon,and get this thing finished up :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15026486#post15026486 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by biowerks
Its getting there! Does your sump or tank still smell at all like the resin?

the fiberglass epoxy had very little odor at all....the sweetwater paint is a different story....but all the smell is gone now,every thing is going great so far....biowerks,I figured you would be asleep,after pulling an all nighter.....I'm ready for a nap now :)
Looking Good.. Congrats on the sucessful test. That should be a good indicator that the tank will also have no leaks.

Did you use fiberglass and resin on the sump or just the Sweetwater. How big is the sump?

Nice siloutte of yourself in the water reflection :)

My glass is supposed to be here on the 29th. Getting close to go time.