1985 - I'm 11 years old, my mother and I were at the pet store picking up some crickets for my lizards. This particular store had recently set-up a new section of aquariums, and it was full of saltwater fish. I fell in love instantly and the next thing to do was talk mom into a saltwater aquarium. We always had tons of pets and there had been an aquarium in my house my entire life. So, it wasn't a tough sell.
AGA 35 gallon, a bag of instant ocean, iron stand, UG filter, powerheads, power filter, some crushed coral, hydrometer, bio-zyme

p), a book and a 3 day wait period before I could add damsels. I think I read that book two times in those 3 days. Fast forward a few years and we have 5 marine aquariums, I've read every aquarium, marine biology and oceanography book I could get my hands on. I'm making my own fish food and heavily studying fish nutrition. Shortly after that I'm producing the food for locals stores. In the next couple years my food is being distributed by Wilson Pet Supply and a couple other pet supply distributors in the midwest, I'm teaching marine aquarium classes out of my house, servicing aquariums, and managing a local aquarium store. Yeah, I got a little hooked...