Regal Angel Primer

Seems QM got a big shipment of Maldives regal angels in - LA has them listed as "in stock" from small to large, and they didn't sell out in an instant like usually.
If hadn't already a regal in every DT I might be tempted.
Though my little Sumatra YBR still needs a playmate ... :D

Last weekend I finally replaced my 18" cube with a new 40B. I will wait for a bit to make sure everyone got through this well before trying to put the Philippine regals back together. The submissive has grown about 4 mm (from 76 to 80 mm) over the last 6 months. I hope the dominant has grown a bit more in the 40B sump tank.
Seems QM got a big shipment of Maldives regal angels in - LA has them listed as "in stock" from small to large, and they didn't sell out in an instant like usually.
If hadn't already a regal in every DT I might be tempted.
Though my little Sumatra YBR still needs a playmate ... :D

Last weekend I finally replaced my 18" cube with a new 40B. I will wait for a bit to make sure everyone got through this well before trying to put the Philippine regals back together. The submissive has grown about 4 mm (from 76 to 80 mm) over the last 6 months. I hope the dominant has grown a bit more in the 40B sump tank.

i received one of the large maldives from LA on saturday. looks great but still has not ate yet. been trying everything but i have play the waiting game till it settles in.
i received one of the large maldives from LA on saturday. looks great but still has not ate yet. been trying everything but i have play the waiting game till it settles in.

What's its size?

Clams in the shell would be one of the first things to try. Fresh or frozen usually makes no big difference beyond the time the clam can stay in the tank. Fresh may last longer before they start to decompose.
If you can get feeding algae, that is often worth a try as well.
Hairy green algae on a rock may also be accepted, as long as they are not too long.

All the ones I have now were eating from day one. All that was required with them was get them eat enough of the right foods instead of the brine shrimp they ate at the store.
I added my Regal into my DT 2 days ago. He was in my refugium/frag tanks for 2 months eating well and getting fat. I do have some fairly aggressive tangs and several angels including a Blue chest Regal that is about .5 inches smaller than him. This Blue chest have been in the DT for more than 2 years.
I was worry about if he can fend for himself in the community tank.
Anyway, I need not have. He does not take any flab from anybody big or small.
Here is a video I took of hm just now.
Here is the link. I likely be ready to view at about 7:05 PM tonight
I added my Regal into my DT 2 days ago. He was in my refugium/frag tanks for 2 months eating well and getting fat. I do have some fairly aggressive tangs and several angels including a Blue chest Regal that is about .5 inches smaller than him. This Blue chest have been in the DT for more than 2 years.
I was worry about if he can fend for himself in the community tank.
Anyway, I need not have. He does not take any flab from anybody big or small.
Here is a video I took of hm just now.
Here is the link. I likely be ready to view at about 7:05 PM tonight

I want that fish :p

How big is he?
Mine from live aquaria ate right away. He is a lot bigger than I wanted but just happy he is eating. If I would have known they were getting a large shipment in I would have waited and for a 2-3 inch one. I guess I should just be happy mine eats and seems to be happy in the tank.


My observation regarding the color differences between the Red Sea Regal and the Pacific Regal. I am not sure if this hold true or it just my specific Regals

Other than the blue and yellow chest, my Pacific Regal have wider white bands and the white bands are not true white but have bluish color ear the edge. This cause the fish look darker than my Red Sea. The yellow bands of my Pacific Regal is thinner but more orange than my Red Sea.

The sump of these effect is that my Red Sea Regal is brighter and more yellow, while the my Pacific Regal is darker fish over all.

I wonder if anybody can chime is regarding other observable differences between these three species. I am having a South Asia Yellow Belly Regal come in a few days. If this one turn out to be healthy, I will have all three variety in my reef in the future.
This was my first regal ever. No idea where exactly she was from. Interesting is the tiny gill thorn for a 4+ inch regal.
Another interesting thing is how the bars loop in the anal fin. That seems to be more typical for the Pacific subspecies.


These were my Philippine regals when I got them - way skinny, not because they were not eating, but because they didn't get enough nutritious food at the store.



This was the dominant a few weeks later after vigorous feeding when I moved them to the DT system:


By now, over 10 months later, both are quite fat.
What's its size?

Clams in the shell would be one of the first things to try. Fresh or frozen usually makes no big difference beyond the time the clam can stay in the tank. Fresh may last longer before they start to decompose.
If you can get feeding algae, that is often worth a try as well.
Hairy green algae on a rock may also be accepted, as long as they are not too long.

All the ones I have now were eating from day one. All that was required with them was get them eat enough of the right foods instead of the brine shrimp they ate at the store.

5 to 6 inches in size. it start to eat lrs fish frenzy last night and at lunch time today. going to try half clams again before I go out and buy mussels or oysters.