rigleautomotive's Tank Pics Thread

love how that undata is growing - it reminds me of that crazy painter that painted droopy clocks etc, think his name was Dali
Beautiful ........ :thumbsup:


love how that undata is growing - it reminds me of that crazy painter that painted droopy clocks etc, think his name was Dali

Funny,it has a mind of its own.growing a real thick edge presently

Tank looks awesome! How did you place your duncans, they look great and I'd like to try and replicate that?


On the bottom hiding in partial shade.Strong random flow and spot feed at night occasionallly
Thanks and mad props for the stunning SPS collection, you even got my wife's attention. You may have just gotten me carte blanche to go buy some new corals, let me know when you're fragging and able to ship to Tx.

Show off.....that is an insanely large calm on the left! How long have you had it for?

LOL,The clam is about 20 inches and I have had it since 1996.It was a mere 4 inches when I got it.

I really have no luck with FTS and was not happy with this one.I rarely shoot the whole tank.The macro lens(Nikon 105mm) does not do the FTS very well and the stock 18-55mm lens is weak in this respect also.I may look into a lens (maybe external flash)that will do a better FTS or maybe I just need some pointers.I tried a wide array of F stops and did not get to the sweet spot.I dunno.
I hope that you don't mind, but I made some adjustments on your image in Photoshop (> Image> Adjustments >Levels, the middle slider is for midtones) of the FTS. I don't think you need to buy a lens, it is just that the image needed some adjustments in a photo editor. Here is the adjusted image...

So how do I attach/embed an image in to the thread? Instead of it showing up as an attached thumbnail?


  • FT_1.jpg
    68.7 KB · Views: 4
I would say its time for an upgrade to the tank. Lookin a little crowded- MAYBE A 220 or even in the 300 range.
I would say its time for an upgrade to the tank. Lookin a little crowded- MAYBE A 220 or even in the 300 range.

haha,not gonna happen.I will prune the larger colonies down to frags if necessary and start over.I am at my limit for size,space,time and utility expense at the moment and not to mention, I am not getting any younger,lol
I have had some of these corals for close to 20 years

In a photo the tank may look crowded but with the third dimension being flattened, it is deceiving.There is room between corals and at the moment,nothing is consuming its neighbor so I have been fragging to keep war at bay.I have a swap coming up the end of April so some serious cuttings will take place in the upcoming weeks and provide a more open look.
Maybe I am mistaken, but did you have some large leathers by the giant clam? Did you remove them?

As always, greatly enjoy seeing your wonderful images of stunning corals.
Maybe I am mistaken, but did you have some large leathers by the giant clam? Did you remove them?

As always, greatly enjoy seeing your wonderful images of stunning corals.

Thanks, yes you are correct.I had a big green polyp leather and a figi yellow in the tank forever.I gave the toad stool to a friend and moved the yellow to another tank that I have mostly softies and lps in.I just couldn't keep up fragging them and they were really taking up some prime real estate along with bugging a few acros.The tank is constantly changing and evolving at this point and as some of new corals grow larger some older corals will have to go or be cut.