Rimless 320 gallon system Build *pics*

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14829220#post14829220 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SuperTs
Paul, I didnt think painting the flanges of the bulkheads would be wise, but, after spending some time researching it appears the krylon paint will be fine. I guess we will soon find out!

Yeah, I'd be nervous about it too. But if it's fully cured, I suppose it might be ok. A local reefer told me that she used black Krylon on white PVC. But that was on the outside of her tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14829511#post14829511 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by paulthomas
Yeah, I'd be nervous about it too. But if it's fully cured, I suppose it might be ok. A local reefer told me that she used black Krylon on white PVC. But that was on the outside of her tank.

Paul, I believe with the Fusion paint it is especially important to apply each coat conservatively. Excessive or heavy coats can jeopordize the paints bond while curing. The paint is meant to withstand harsh weather conditions and so I am hoping the exposure to saltwater will not have an negative effect on the paints integrity.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14830002#post14830002 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SuperTs
Paul, I believe with the Fusion paint it is especially important to apply each coat conservatively. Excessive or heavy coats can jeopordize the paints bond while curing. The paint is meant to withstand harsh weather conditions and so I am hoping the exposure to saltwater will not have an negative effect on the paints integrity.

Yeah, but it still is paint after all. Do you plan on keeping your back panel free of coralline? If so, there's no need to risk using the paint. Of course it's nice to have that option.
Just my opinion, but the bulkheads will soon be covered in coraline algae any way, along with the back of your tank and will blend in like they aren't even there. I would forgo painting them if you have any doubt at all about its toxicity. I know I've heard of people painting PVC parts with it that reside in the tank, but I think it's a lost cause as fast as this tank is coming together.... if you know what I mean...... You guys are flying. Keep up the great work!
Plus if you decide to scrape the back one day, you'd probably want to leave the bulkheads alone. You don't want to scrape any of the paint off and into the water column. I'd be concerned about it deteriorating in salt and under UV lighting too.
The only thing I might suggest you think about painting would be the back pane of glass that faces your wall. I don't know if you would want to do that or not, obviously your decision. You could use a latex paint, vinyl, or even some black acrylic sheet so that it woul be easy to remove. I just thought I would suggest you think about it now rather than once the tank is full and you can't get back there..... maybe I'm too late anyway.
Those are some valid points guys. I am not too sure what to do. I am running a very open aquascape and my concern is how visible the bulk heads will still be even when covered with the coralline. I will have to think more about this.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14830303#post14830303 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Wippjas
The only thing I might suggest you think about painting would be the back pane of glass that faces your wall. I don't know if you would want to do that or not, obviously your decision. You could use a latex paint, vinyl, or even some black acrylic sheet so that it woul be easy to remove. I just thought I would suggest you think about it now rather than once the tank is full and you can't get back there..... maybe I'm too late anyway.

Hey Wipp, I believe you are referring to the left pane as the back is already painted. If so then yes I am comtemplating something there. I originally was to have that panel painted but chose not to in case the tank is ever moved and positioned somewhere central. I received a few suggestions already ranging from tinting the panel to adding something to the wall like as you said acrylic or even paint. A concern I have right now is the tremendous glare from the fixture I get off the wall above the tank line to the height of the light. I tried placing a black bedsheet there and almost eliminated the glare completely so I am contemplating painting black of adding something to the wall and maybe also on the rear wall just in the areas visible between the tank and light. It is something I will have to address after aquascaping.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14830366#post14830366 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SuperTs
Hey Wipp, I believe you are referring to the left pane as the back is already painted. If so then yes I am comtemplating something there. I originally was to have that panel painted but chose not to in case the tank is ever moved and positioned somewhere central. I received a few suggestions already ranging from tinting the panel to adding something to the wall like as you said acrylic or even paint. A concern I have right now is the tremendous glare from the fixture I get off the wall above the tank line to the height of the light. I tried placing a black bedsheet there and almost eliminated the glare completely so I am contemplating painting black of adding something to the wall and maybe also on the rear wall just in the areas visible between the tank and light. It is something I will have to address after aquascaping.

Sorry, I must have missed those comments. Do you plan on leaving you light fixture at the hight that it is now, or will you lower it once the livestock is acclimated? I know one of the advantages to T5 is that theydon't produce as much heat as halides, so you can place them closer to the water. Maybe you can just reduce the amount of glare by reducing the distance of the fixture above the tank. I'm not sure what the suggested height is for a lighting fixture like you have.... but I know it's a nice fixture.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14830417#post14830417 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Wippjas
Sorry, I must have missed those comments. Do you plan on leaving you light fixture at the hight that it is now, or will you lower it once the livestock is acclimated? I know one of the advantages to T5 is that theydon't produce as much heat as halides, so you can place them closer to the water. Maybe you can just reduce the amount of glare by reducing the distance of the fixture above the tank. I'm not sure what the suggested height is for a lighting fixture like you have.... but I know it's a nice fixture.

Wipp, the light is currently hanging at the manufacturers min. height recommended to be above the water line. I am not too sure what negative results could arise from dropping it closer but will have to think about it maybe. By the way, in the pics with the light above the tank only the actinics are on so you could imagine the light when all 12 t5's are fired up!
Yup, the Sfilogoi lights are amazing! They put out a ton of light
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14830849#post14830849 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SuperTs
Wipp, the light is currently hanging at the manufacturers min. height recommended to be above the water line. I am not too sure what negative results could arise from dropping it closer but will have to think about it maybe. By the way, in the pics with the light above the tank only the actinics are on so you could imagine the light when all 12 t5's are fired up!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14831262#post14831262 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SuperR
Yup, the Sfilogoi lights are amazing! They put out a ton of light

Which bulbs did you guys decide on?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14831940#post14831940 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Wippjas
Never mind.... I need to stop posting before investigating.
:D lol! No worries Wipp. Your input is appreciated!
Hey guys, aquascape almost done, and system will be plumbed next weekend! Water and rock will be in the same day its plumbed. So just about there!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14839596#post14839596 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by paulthomas
Yeah well, where's the pic of the scape? :D

No pics as of yet. Finished working on it too late both nights this week. Will get some clean shots once the finishing touches are completed probably sometime this weekend. ;)