Rimless 320 gallon system Build *pics*

That red and white theme looks amazing. Thats awesome to dedicate an entire fish room theme to the bubble king. The tanks Ive seen from AO look nothing short of amazing. This is an excellent start.
Guys, the tank is immaculate! I could not have envisioned a more pristine and well built tank! Will, you have once again outdone yourself! pics will be up within an hour!
please keep the pics coming i cant wait to see how this turns out
i like how the tank is the corner and placed at eye level with those couches
i might have to copy this ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14808226#post14808226 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bruce Wayne
please keep the pics coming i cant wait to see how this turns out
i like how the tank is the corner and placed at eye level with those couches
i might have to copy this ;)
hang tight, uploading pics as we speak!
Its been lots of work for us! The fish room turned out nice, and the tank is great! We will be plumbing it next weekend. Starting the Aquascaping early next week
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14808226#post14808226 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bruce Wayne
please keep the pics coming i cant wait to see how this turns out
i like how the tank is the corner and placed at eye level with those couches
i might have to copy this ;)
tank arrival

tank arrival

The tank finally arrived:



More Tank shots2

More Tank shots2

eat your heart out!

Can you guess which panel is starphire!?!?

For all you seam freaks out there!
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Tim, Tank looks awesome... Good call with the external overflow. Realy top notch craftsmanship there. Is the overflow weir removable or is it siliconed in?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14806345#post14806345 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jflip2002
That red and white theme looks amazing. Thats awesome to dedicate an entire fish room theme to the bubble king. The tanks Ive seen from AO look nothing short of amazing. This is an excellent start.
I have to be honest, the pics dont do the tank any justice. I was beside myself once I unpackaged the tank. It far exceeded my expectations. Will, I cant thank you enough for not only delivering a flawless tank, but also making it on time even when Rob changed the design ten times over. haha:eek1:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14808912#post14808912 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Wippjas
Tim, Tank looks awesome... Good call with the external overflow. Realy top notch craftsmanship there. Is the overflow weir removable or is it siliconed in?

Wipp, the ext overflow was siliconed in
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14808959#post14808959 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SuperTs
I have to be honest, the pics dont do the tank any justice. I was beside myself once I unpackaged the tank. It far exceeded my expectations. Will, I cant thank you enough for not only delivering a flawless tank, but also making it on time even when Rob changed the design ten times over. haha:eek1:
Come on man! I was thinking of new things as the build went on...It was a big decision haha

It turned out great! So now the aquascaping should be fun next week! :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14809005#post14809005 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SuperR
Come on man! I was thinking of new things as the build went on...It was a big decision haha

It turned out great! So now the aquascaping should be fun next week! :D
next week as in this monday