rip off???? you tell me BLUE ZOOS

if you go talk to many of the fish store owners...fmas and reef central people are actually a very small percent of who shop in their stores! I would say that I don't think is 100% correct to straight up bash a store on prices if you don't know if that's a decent price or not. most fishstore owners will cut you a deal if you talk to them and are friendly. if I'm in a store and I see a coral i love and the price is $300, I just move on because I can't afford it! I don't come on here going oh my and so tried to sell me xenia for $300! If you did that, they'll never cut you a deal on a coral. ok bad example with xenia for $300...but u get the point! Be nice to them, and they'll be nice to you!
That may be true macaw but alot of the "high end" pricey corals go to us. I also think there are very few instances of real "bashings" of lfs.

I'll admit that i have done it against a lfs when i felt i was wronged but I dont think the other threads Christy is talking about were bashing the lfs. A few people were complaining about a new store having some nice corals that were not for sale. If anything, i think that thread was probably helpful to that new store.

If that owner saw the thread and read it, my guess is he thought to himself "hmmm, alot of people dont seem to like that, maybe i should move those corals out of the sale tanks or actually put them up for sale". If that was his reaction then kudos to that store and owner for listening to his customers complaints. If that owner reacted by thinking "screw those people and screw the FMAS", is that the type of store you want to support?

I dont think there is anything wrong whatsoever with people coming on here and complaining about things the lfs stores do that they dont like. I certainly will do it if warranted just like i have many posts praising lfs for the great corals or service they gave me. Gotta take the good with the bad. It's a little unrealistic for an lfs to think that people cant have any complaints against them on here. I notice nobody minds joining in on a good ole bash Big Al's thread.

If i ran a lfs here, i would definitely be monitoring this forum and looking to see what my customers were complaining about and try to fix it.

Oh, and i'm hardly the "nickel and dime crowd" Gasman;)
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ok lets get one thing straight,.

im not BASHING any store.. I dont have a problem with LFS, if anything I was giving a heads up to whoever wanted to buy some blue zoos. There really are too many people on this board who get so offended about the most trivial issues. It is a discussion board, to DISCUSS, opinions are allowed and as much as you might not like what I wrote about the store or what is written, Im not lying. im calling it like i see it.
Sure some stores have good deals and some stores don't. What is wrong with praising the stores with good deals, and talking about the ones who don't have the greatest deals.

Everyone is so self righteous its annoying, you cant say anything without getting flamed.

NOT TO OFFEND ANYONE!!!! but this is MY OPINION and am entitled to it.
An item is worth exactly what someone will pay for it. If the owner has a buyer at $110, then that is what it is worth. It is not robbery unless you are coerced into buying it. I understand the OP's point, but the choice of language is over the top.

Like str8clownr above, I too have seen a lot of overly sensitive "don't bash the lfs" responses to mild criticism, and I usually take the OP complainer's side. But in this case, the complaint is unwarranted. Don't like a price? Feel free to mention that you think other stores have it for less, but to suggest robbery when he will probably sell it for that price serves no one.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11912927#post11912927 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sufunk
That may be true macaw but alot of the "high end" pricey corals go to us. I also think there are very few instances of real "bashings" of lfs.

I'll admit that i have done it against a lfs when i felt i was wronged but I dont think the other threads Christy is talking about were bashing the lfs. A few people were complaining about a new store having some nice corals that were not for sale. If anything, i think that thread was probably helpful to that new store.

If that owner saw the thread and read it, my guess is he thought to himself "hmmm, alot of people dont seem to like that, maybe i should move those corals out of the sale tanks or actually put them up for sale". If that was his reaction then kudos to that store and owner for listening to his customers complaints. If that owner reacted by thinking "screw those people and screw the FMAS", is that the type of store you want to support?

I dont think there is anything wrong whatsoever with people coming on here and complaining about things the lfs stores do that they dont like. I certainly will do it if warranted just like i have many posts praising lfs for the great corals or service they gave me. Gotta take the good with the bad. It's a little unrealistic for an lfs to think that people cant have any complaints against them on here. I notice nobody minds joining in on a good ole bash Big Al's thread.

If i ran a lfs here, i would definitely be monitoring this forum and looking to see what my customers were complaining about and try to fix it.

Oh, and i'm hardly the "nickel and dime crowd" Gasman;)


This is a public forum and if someone goes out of their way to post positive remarks about a LFS then it is very fair to say you can post negative remarks about them if you have good reason.

I am a customer service buff and if I don't get good customer service then I am going to post about it. Prices is a whole another issue.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11912927#post11912927 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sufunk
That may be true macaw but alot of the "high end" pricey corals go to us. I also think there are very few instances of real "bashings" of lfs.

I'll admit that i have done it against a lfs when i felt i was wronged but I dont think the other threads Christy is talking about were bashing the lfs. A few people were complaining about a new store having some nice corals that were not for sale. If anything, i think that thread was probably helpful to that new store.

If that owner saw the thread and read it, my guess is he thought to himself "hmmm, alot of people dont seem to like that, maybe i should move those corals out of the sale tanks or actually put them up for sale". If that was his reaction then kudos to that store and owner for listening to his customers complaints. If that owner reacted by thinking "screw those people and screw the FMAS", is that the type of store you want to support?

I dont think there is anything wrong whatsoever with people coming on here and complaining about things the lfs stores do that they dont like. I certainly will do it if warranted just like i have many posts praising lfs for the great corals or service they gave me. Gotta take the good with the bad. It's a little unrealistic for an lfs to think that people cant have any complaints against them on here. I notice nobody minds joining in on a good ole bash Big Al's thread.

If i ran a lfs here, i would definitely be monitoring this forum and looking to see what my customers were complaining about and try to fix it.

Oh, and i'm hardly the "nickel and dime crowd" Gasman;)

While I do agree with part of your post, I truly believe the forum should be to exchange ideas and promote reefkeeping .

And yes I detest some of the LFS and their practices thus I do most of my shopping in the ones I do like.

I did not meant any disrespect regarding the nickle and dime crowd- seems I pushed a button there LOL.

I don't bash Big Als but here's my perception of the people that do.(They truly don't mind since Big Al's is a superstore with multiple retailers and can afford a couple of badmouthers).

As far as LFS I've been associated with the biss( no longer thx God) and its truly trying to deal with customers and thier demands. I'm not trying to give anybody instructions on how to deal with their own posts and so forth but I do know this. Lots of people here( not including me- time contrains) put a lot of effort into the club and their meetings and so forth I think is unfair and disrespecful to bash the people that support their work.

Its funny how things work out sometimes- lets see if I work at an LFS that is the greatest ever, once I don't well maybe not.

I guess Mr. sufunk u r right post away since w live in a free country and this is a public forum u all have the right to do so , my bad for disliking the post and answering to it.

k I wasted enuff time in this BS

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11912587#post11912587 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman059
Seems to me that all that people get off on is bashing LFS .
For a while now all I do is try to remind people that is such a bad practice period..

If u don't like a place DON'T spend your oney there period.

BTW so u guys know this are the same people that sponsor your events such as the swap and so forth.
With all the bad rep here it won't be lomg 'till there be no club and sponsors around.

The nickel and dime crowd continues to lurk around RC>:rolleyes:

You say "with all the bad rep here it wont be long 'till there is no club and sponsors around". I look at it the opposite way. If we continue to let our lfs know our complaints and problems, maybe we could actually have good prices, selection and customer service at ALL of them.

Even the "no bashing allowed" group has to admit that very few of our lfs provide all 3 of those. Wouldn't it be nice if they all did???

Weird how you NEVER see a single complaint, not even one, on here about some LFS. Gee, i wonder why:confused: Could it possibly be because those are the stores that DO provide good prices, selection and customer service consistently;)

Our goal should be to have all of our LFS in that category rather than some feel good attitude of lets not say anything bad about anyone even if we know they are a bad store or have bad policies.
Weird how you NEVER see a single complaint, not even one, on here about some LFS
I can find something wrong with every single LFS but its not my biss to talk about them- u wonder why here's why.

The storefront is there for a reason to make money and support their family so what gives u , me or anybody the right to badmouth them. I guess u can but its not right IMHO.
As a customer we are all entilted to a service if u like it u keep coming back and if u don't then move on.

This is going nowhere fast- LOLOL I'm trying to talk sense to an attorney;) :p
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11914416#post11914416 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman059

While I do agree with part of your post, I truly believe the forum should be to exchange ideas and promote reefkeeping .

And yes I detest some of the LFS and their practices thus I do most of my shopping in the ones I do like.

I did not meant any disrespect regarding the nickle and dime crowd- seems I pushed a button there LOL.

I don't bash Big Als but here's my perception of the people that do.(They truly don't mind since Big Al's is a superstore with multiple retailers and can afford a couple of badmouthers).

As far as LFS I've been associated with the biss( no longer thx God) and its truly trying to deal with customers and thier demands. I'm not trying to give anybody instructions on how to deal with their own posts and so forth but I do know this. Lots of people here( not including me- time contrains) put a lot of effort into the club and their meetings and so forth I think is unfair and disrespecful to bash the people that support their work.

Its funny how things work out sometimes- lets see if I work at an LFS that is the greatest ever, once I don't well maybe not.

I guess Mr. sufunk u r right post away since w live in a free country and this is a public forum u all have the right to do so , my bad for disliking the post and answering to it.

k I wasted enuff time in this BS

Hey, i have no problem with you, you've helped me in the past as a total stranger. I cant really tell from that post if you are offended or not:confused: Oh well. We all have the write to post. You didnt like his and have the right to say so, just like he has the right to post without 100 white knights coming in to tell him how to think.

And yes the forum is for exchanging and promoting reefkeeping. So tell me , how exactly are we promoting reefkeeping in South Florida by refusing to talk about the practices of lfs that you "detest" because you know they are doing things wrong. Who are we helping by not putting that info out there for people who dont know?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11914488#post11914488 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman059
I can find something wrong with every single LFS but its not my biss to talk about them- u wonder why here's why.

The storefront is there for a reason to make money and support their family so what gives u , me or anybody the right to badmouth them. I guess u can but its not right IMHO.
As a customer we are all entilted to a service if u like it u keep coming back and if u don't then move on.

This is going nowhere fast- LOLOL I'm trying to talk sense to an attorney;) :p

When you open a store to the public, that gives me, you or anybody else the right to complain or discuss it if they are not providing good service or prices;) Big Al's owner has a family to support as well, i'm sure.

You're right though, this isnt going anywhere. Hey, who cares if a business is bad or not......their sponsorship is what truly matters:rolleyes:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11914725#post11914725 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sufunk
When you open a store to the public, that gives me, you or anybody else the right to complain or discuss it if they are not providing good service or prices;) Big Al's owner has a family to support as well, i'm sure.

You're right though, this isnt going anywhere. Hey, who cares if a business is bad or not......their sponsorship is what truly matters:rolleyes:

One last post I swear LOLOLOL

It gives u the right to post but does it give u the right to perhaps hurt that retailers biss and posibbly hurt their income which may very well be needed to take care of their family?:confused:
Wow!!! all this over Zoos ???

I saw the same zoos a week ago and thought they were overpriced and told Henry right to his face. I didn't really care about coming here and bad mouthing them in a public forum!

Bottom line is if you don't like someone's price then walk away or stay off your keyboards.

I've seen quite a bit of this around here lately where people put items for sale and someone has to chime in about a better price somewhere else and so forth.

Believe me Henry has already seen this thread as he frequents RC quite often.

In any case this is just another worthless thread that doesn't contribute anything to the hobby. So nothing gained here.

Moving on...

Their nice
If my wife was with me she'd probably buy them. Price doesn't mater to some people. Not saying I agree with the price BUT! different strokes for different folks.
Their nice
If my wife was with me she'd probably buy them. Price doesn't mater to some people. Not saying I agree with the price BUT! different strokes for different folks.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11916927#post11916927 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TheReefKeeper

If my wife was with me she'd probably buy them
wish i could say the same... i usually have to argue to spend my own money! :p
She's a zoo freak we've been doing this together for 12 years.
Anything else yea me too. Big ol' fuss.
Just had to change the subject!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11916976#post11916976 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by illal
wish i could say the same... i usually have to argue to spend my own money! :p

That's funny. You have a wife and still try to call it your money. :lol: J/K.