That may be true macaw but alot of the "high end" pricey corals go to us. I also think there are very few instances of real "bashings" of lfs.
I'll admit that i have done it against a lfs when i felt i was wronged but I dont think the other threads Christy is talking about were bashing the lfs. A few people were complaining about a new store having some nice corals that were not for sale. If anything, i think that thread was probably helpful to that new store.
If that owner saw the thread and read it, my guess is he thought to himself "hmmm, alot of people dont seem to like that, maybe i should move those corals out of the sale tanks or actually put them up for sale". If that was his reaction then kudos to that store and owner for listening to his customers complaints. If that owner reacted by thinking "screw those people and screw the FMAS", is that the type of store you want to support?
I dont think there is anything wrong whatsoever with people coming on here and complaining about things the lfs stores do that they dont like. I certainly will do it if warranted just like i have many posts praising lfs for the great corals or service they gave me. Gotta take the good with the bad. It's a little unrealistic for an lfs to think that people cant have any complaints against them on here. I notice nobody minds joining in on a good ole bash Big Al's thread.
If i ran a lfs here, i would definitely be monitoring this forum and looking to see what my customers were complaining about and try to fix it.
Oh, and i'm hardly the "nickel and dime crowd" Gasman