<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11923086#post11923086 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
ok so since your such a smartie would you buy a yugo for 30k instead of 10k because 10 of the 20 fell apart on the way from the factory?
Dammit, Jess!
You owe me a new keyboard now that I've spit my drink all over this one.
As for the percentage of business that FMAS makes up in the area... Man, are we full of ourselves. LOL
Go hang out in the SW section of Big Al's for an hour.
(I was there today to buy calibration fluid and some mysis.)
They are so busy that you have to take a number and wait to get service from one of the 3-5 employees back there who are running non-stop.
Out of the 50-100 customers they serve every hour, guess how many are FMAS members.
Maybe 1... and that one was me.
The only time I've ever run into an FMAS member there was when the meeting was setup ahead of time.
According to statistics I saw in an article a few years ago, it stated that 8 out of 10 households in S. FL have a fishtank.
FMAS has about 300 members total.
I'd say on a conservative estimate, we make up less than .001 percent of the entire Dade-Broward market.
My own observations in my day-to-day job with AT&T tends to back this up as well.
I go into several customers' homes every day and see quite a few SW tanks (alot more FW than SW, but quite a few salties non the less).
Since 2006 when I joined RC and found FMAS, guess how many of those hundreds of customers with SW setups have been members of FMAS?
Zero..., and to the best of my knowledge none have bothered to join or post here after I enlightened them.
Of course there may be one or two LFS who's primary customers are the big spenders from FMAS, but I'm willing to bet that if we all packed our bags and moved to Hawaii tomorrow, 95% of the LFS here wouldn't even notice.