RocketEngineer's 75g/125g Setup

For the last few months, I've been concentrating on my Office 40B Build so this system has been somewhat on autopilot. This past Monday, that changed in a big way. As part of the office build, I ordered a 25g Package from Tampa Bay Saltwater. I was so impressed by what I recieved that I contacted Richard and placed an order of 20#s of live sand combined with a 20g package. The idea was to get both the second half of the package for the office tank plus this new order all at the same time. This was shipped late Sunday night and Monday afternoon I was finally able to pick it up from the airport. The last time I tried to introduce new biology into this system, I ended up with mostly just algae. Even just a week later I can tell that this time around is different.

For starters, here are the four boxes of stuff:

This is a heck of a lot more than I got the last time around. And everything, including the rock and the sand, was shipped in water.

While opening the bag with 40#s of live sand in it, I spotted a very large shell. To my surprised IT MOVED. Not willing to risk getting stung by something, I used my long pincers and a net to put it into one of my spare buckets:

We will come back to this later.

Fast forward a week and the system has settled down and I've finally had time to snap some pictures of what I got in those four boxes. Lets start with a FTS:

Here is one of the hitch hiker sponges:

There is a coral along the bottom edge of it that also came with the rock.

In fact, there are a number of rocks with corals already growing on them:

As part of the package, Richard sent a number of sponges and gorgonians. Here are a couple examples up close.
Ball Sponge:

Fan Gorgonian:

Oh, and that snail wasn't a snail. It was a monster hermit crab:

So far, I'm very happy with what came in the package. I've spotted pods on the glass again and there are all sorts of organisms on the rocks themselves. The gorgonians and sponges add much to the display that had been missing, especially with the few corals I do have mostly being on the sand bed. While I realize not everything will last, I'm hoping that by the time they disappear, other additions will be taking their place.
With renewed enthusiasm for the tank, I went about adding something I've been considering for a while: An auto feed station:

The goal is to add more fish and in doing so I will need to feed more often. I wonder if my low feedings are the cause of the coral problems so I now have the autofeeder set for once a day additions of pellets. I've blocked off about half the outlet to keep the quantity of food down until more fish arrive. Depending on what gets added will determine if I increase the frequency of feedings.

While looking at the tank earlier today, I spotted another hitchhiker hiding in the folds of one of the sponges:

Oh, and somewhere in the tank is a mantis shrimp. I can hear it but so for it has stayed out of the trap. I will see about catching it and moving it to the tank at work.

Looking Good!
RocketEngineer's 75g/125g Setup

I don't know if it's my signal (in the boondocks at the moment) or if it's the pictures but all I can view it's the final FTS.. I'll try again when I have better signal, but thanks for the update!!!

FTS looks awesome!
Easy enough. Three pieces of egg crate. One small one in the back keeps it hooked behind the tank. The main one forms a box around a plastic tube that extends about 1/2" below the water surface. A third piece lifts the Eheim feeder enough so when the container of food rotates it doesn't hit anything. I moved the foam feet on the feeder until they aligned with the grid and used a a long wire tie to keep the feeder in place. The back of the feeder hits the back of the hood while the end of the egg crate catches under the hood. The result is its trapped but by lifting it I can remove it for battery changes and program alterations.
Sounds pretty cut and dry, what's the purpose of the plastic tube? Sorry if that's sounds like a noob question
It is a noob question but your allowed those for the first 5 years of the hobby. :D.

The plastic tube corrals the pellets I'm using so they can't get into the overflow. Once they are in the water for a little bit, they tend to sink rather than float and therefore less likely to end up in the sump and more likely to end up being eaten. Ideally I would be using something with a smaller outlet so fish can't get up in it but I needed a wide enough mouth for the sweep of the feeder outlet. This works for the time being.
!?duh?! Lol that makes perfect sense now... It probably would not be the most attractive choice, but, when considering something with a smaller opening would the top of a plastic pop bottle not provide the width needed for the feeder and also the narrow opening needed to keep fish from exploring inside?
BTW, if your interested in my plans and more of my "noob" questions I have a thread on here called "New and Hungry". If you wanted to follow it and help with my other questions ;-), no idea how to insert a link to it here, sorry.
It might but I used the only plastic bottle I had in the house for a mantis shrimp trap. No luck yet on that front. Being that its clear its actually hard to spot at the moment. A little algae growth on it and it will stick out more but its mostly behind the trim so I don't notice it as much. Time will tell.

On a computer, if you put the cursor over the icons above the message box, one of the is a globe with a piece of chain called "Insert Link". Copy and paste your hyperlink into that and then you can edit how the text shows up in the second part of the code. Its like embedding pictures, it takes a little practice.
Can't help you with that. I don't even own a smart phone, I have two computers instead. When my laptop dies I will finally get into the tablet realm.

I will go looking through it later. See if I can add any tidbits.

For this tank my next task is catching one mantis shrimp. I can hear it in there but so far it has avoided my trap. I may have to change tactics soon. Once that's out I may consider some fishy additions.
Sweet!! Have you ever ordered fish online? Like from liveaquaria and the like? I will be pretty limited in my area unfortunately.
Yes on both accounts but it was years ago and FW cichlids. When this system crashed 2+ years ago I stopped adding fish. This will be the first new fish, freshwater or salt, in 3 years or more. My LFS is actually an online coral retailer/ aquaculture facility so it takes a lot of will power to get out with only what I went in after. The fish listed on their site are also tank bred which is why I'm going that route instead of getting them online.
Sweet, well thanks for the feedback.. I'll most likely be ordering online when the time comes...

I imagine it's hard, I watched as you snagged up 7 corals at a time for awhile there, and then cried with you when things went under :-(...

Everything stable now though right?
Pretty close. The newest corals are fairly pale which is why I've added the auto feeder. I'm thinking the additional nutrients will give the corals what they need to color up again.

I think the worse part about loosing the corals wasn't loosing the number, it was loosing my three big frags. The two acans and the brain coral started as little pieces that I was able to keep until they were baseball size colonies. Loosing those three was the big reason I stopped adding stuff, I just didn't have the enthusiasm for a while after that. Now the tank is looking better than ever, especially with the new rocks, so I'm SLOWLY going to see about a few additional fish. Once those are in and everything else has settled down I will think about adding to my coral collection.

Now that looking at the tank is a pleasant experience again, I started making plans. I've resigned myself to this size tank being my limit until I get a new house. That being the case, I've started to rethink the system as it is now to try to make working on and around the tank easier. When full summer hits and working outside risks heatstroke I may do some radical changes to the electrical system. I'm debating relocating the power supplies, my one of the two American DJ power strips, even my Neptune AC3Pro (yup still using that) to where the (empty) ATO container in the stand now sits. I started using a 29g tank outside the stand for my ATO container when I went away for a week. It was so much easier to deal with than the one in the stand, I've been using it ever since. I never fill it all the way but it lasts a full week and then some. I have a long hose that runs all the way from my RODI bucket to the ATO tank so no more carrying water. Now its time to be just as smart with the electrical systems.