Royal-Exclusiv / Vertex Cone Skimmer Club

I've ran a couple of things. I still have a few more parts on the way, just basically making different combinations with the various parts to see what works best. So far we've made progress, but I still have some more combos to try.
This is my first in-sump skimmer. Is it normal for the skimmer to be very sensitive to water level? I was doing my water change and the water level in the skimmer chamber raised a little bit (ie <1/2") which caused the skimmer to overflow. Luckily I was there.
I am running my 200 for almost two months now at 8.5" water level. The valve is closed about half way and so far it is skimming very well once I got it to dial in.

I think you have to be patient when you open/close the valve. Wait a day or two before making changes. This will help you dial in faster. I kept changing it every few minutes at first and it took longer than it should. hth
Hey guys,

just wanted to post a weekly nogg shot from my Alhpa 250.

Here's a weeks worth as of yesterday!


I'm curious where proline and klaus are on this surging issue? Premium seems to be trying to fix it but mums the word from the manufacturer and distributor.....
I know Klaus is involved as that is where Jeremy is getting the new components for testing. I don't really know what ProLine could do about it other than call Klaus. JMO.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15752143#post15752143 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by corywilson
I'm curious where proline and klaus are on this surging issue? Premium seems to be trying to fix it but mums the word from the manufacturer and distributor.....


current delivery status : all new Parts for the 170´s on Tour to Premium-Aquatics and Proline.....

regards... Klaus

As soon as I return from MACNA I'll get everything together and shipped out to anyone that we have sold 170's to.

Great news...
Jeremy,do people that bought from you need to do anything or will it be sent out automatically.
Hey Jeremy, just out of curiosity..
What is the upgrade finally? Is it the nozzle or is it something else