Ryan's 300 Gallon Starfire Journal

Thanks Mark!

I've thought about cutting a sheet of black acrylic to fit over the background. But it's got to be removable because I really like looking through the back and at the bottom of corals!!!

Obviously Chings tank looks much better than mine, but he also has a clear back ground.

Oh, can you notice the dim part on both sides of the tank? all 4 VHO's are on as well as all the Radiums!
here is a better shot of the left pilar...

Don't get me wrong, Ching's tank is awesome, but I still think his tank could use a background as well ;)

In the left side close up I see an austera that looks familiar. Have you recently go anything from Tim?
I did get a few things from Tim a month or two ago, but I got that the last time I saw you at the BACFM! It was lookin really good and so I decided to move it!!!
I did get a few things from Tim a month or two ago, but I got that the last time I saw you at the BACFM! It was lookin really good and so I decided to move it!!!

Its a sweet piece for sure that grows like a weed. I still have mine down low as my upper rock structure are pretty full these days :)
Yeah I really Like it! Im hoping to get a nice growth pattern out of it. I am only using about half that rock onthe left side because of the shade from the WavySea, no Vho's and the waterflow! Because the WAvysea, teh Vortech on that wall, and the Closed loop that blows right at the rock, It is hard to get anything to stay still!!!
Well, Sadly I just had to cut up my very LARGE Tubs Pink Jade Colony...

It started to RTN from the Base up so I just decided to chop the whole thing up and hopeufully keep a few frags. If all the frags I got out of it live, I probably have ~20 frags/chunks.

Either way, cutting up a colony you have had for years and grown from a frag is VERY Depressing...



And what's even worse.... Is It has never had better coloration that right now. It was an Awesome Piece...

That was an awesome colony... I had a frag of that from you even. Such a nice collection, Ryan.
Thanks Man. I really miss it. I've lost all the frags but like 6. I glued 4 chunks back to the original rock it was on and I am trying to keep them alive. Unfortunatly, they've browned out pretty good...
Ryan, It kinda looks like they are eyeing that hammer (?) in the second picture. Do they all get along?
Ryan, It kinda looks like they are eyeing that hammer (?) in the second picture. Do they all get along?

That is just the way the picture looks Dan. They are in the container and the only place I can fit it is right next to the frogspawn! Im pretty sure that if they are gonna mess w/ corals, the frogspawn is NOT gonna be one of them :lmao:

And they get along Great! I never separated them at all. Every once in a while the big one will sprint at the others but there is no contact. And then the middle size one will do the same to the baby girl! I think She is just trying to look cool though :thumbsup:
Congrats Ryan on the additions. They look awesome :D

Thanks Buddy! Im very excited to finally get them in the display.

The other fish are paying NO attention to them. Im not sure if it is because they are in my fugly acclimation box, or the Multibars are just too small for the other fish to worry about :rollface:
They are so cute, where did you get your box they are in?

Thank you veyr much Tracey! Its funny, I dont have a light on the QT Tank so this is the first time that i've seen them under my tank lights and they are even more gorgeous Than before!!!

The box is like a lizard box you get at petSmart for like $10. Then I drilled a bunch of hole in it to let water in. I like it becuse it is big, Cheap, and has a removable lid!

I'd love a nice big box like Brad has, but the funds just arn't there for a cool toy like that :fun2:
Glad to see the multibars are still doing well for you. They are going to look sweet in the tank!