What is the light / motion meter for?
Turns on the lights in the shed when I walk in. No need for a light switch. Just save me some time in wiring up a switch.
Check out Laguna max flo pumps. They are pond pumps and come with a huge power cords. Just drop one of those bad boys in the bottom, and let it mix some water.
I wont lie.. these confuse me.. i dont get how they work.. my salt mixing station is also called my fiancee.. and living room. and 5 gal bucket
I wont lie.. these confuse me.. i dont get how they work.. my salt mixing station is also called my fiancee.. and living room. and 5 gal bucket
There isn't much need for one with a 40g tank but you start doing 100g+ water changes you can see the need for something like this
If you would pan right just a touch
How do I rotate the pics so they're not landscape?