Salt Water Mixing Stations Let's See Them

So I am planning out my station and have acquired four olive barrels locally for a good price. They are ~55g each and have a removable screw top.

My question is has anyone come to a point where they wish they had more ro water or salt water at any point?

I was going to connect 2 of them to double the volume of one or the other and not sure which one I should have more of. Tank is currently not setup. It will be a 120g with 55g sump and connected 29g fuge.

if I was going to have more of one or the other it would be RODI. It is more efficient to make it in bigger batches. Less TDS creep as well. I make roughly 150 galons of RODI across my 3 containers whenever I make water. I have 75 in one drum that is mixed to be SW and the other 2 stay as RODI and I use those 75 gallons through the next 2 weeks to top things off, use to clean, and also for spot mixes of SW as needed
Thanks guys for the insight. My first thought was to have more ro than salt, but just wanted to hear from people that have been using a setup to make sure.
On the usage of a mixing station, how are you deal with the "leftover" mixed salt water?

I do have two brutes, RO/DI in one, then a PanWorld 40px moves the water to the other brute where I add salt... Then, I manually switch the valves, and let the water mixing...

As normal as anyone who has a mixing station...

Sometimes, I have more mixed water (salt water) in the mixing brute, and do you keep the pump on or it's OK to switch off and turn on again for the next batch?

I believe it's not good to let salt water idle in a bucket for a week or more, right?
I have a power head in mine to keep it moving. I also have my mixing pump come on every 4 hours for 30 minutes to give a good stirring. There's nothing wrong with keeping/storing saltwater as long as you keep it moving. Some salts can leave a residue so it is best to keep some flow in it.
I mix up enough SW For a couple weeks. 2 hydor korralia nanos keep it circulating. Been doing it this way for about a year now with no issues.

As long as you keep SW circulating, it's usually good to go.
I got rid of my RO bin. Now I have 2 saltwater ones. I can mix in either and lock off one for mixing while the other is used for AWC. I refill my RO reservoir directly from my filter but only filling around once a week as needed with a solenoid on my controller. I have a bucket with a float valve for the times I need some RO for cleaning, rinsing media or what not
Good to know.

I'm keeping my SW in motion using the pump, but I liked that idea on turning 4 to 4 hours for 1/2 hour period. I have a Pan World 40px, which has minimal wattage - I think 20 watts, but I'd rather to have a power head in and having this on schedule.

I'm using a WEMO electrical plug to turn on/off my pump, so it's super easy to create that schedule.

I'm also impressed on the power of this small pump.

My mixing station in on my basement, so, before to buy it, I asked in another thread about the ability to send water upstairs. I received basically a "no-go" for this pump. So, after a time carrying buckets from my basement, I decided to give a shot.

The pump send water to the next level, but not up to the tank level... So, I still have a bucket to fill, but no need to carry it from the basement.

I'll probably upgrade the pump for an 100px - which I believe will be strong enough to send to the tank level for my water changes.
Tinking of building one to!
But im still figuring out what the best/cheapest way would be to prevent my ro/di resivoir from flooding..
I dont think a simple float switch will do the trick..(like those on tge red sea ato)
As it only closes the clean water line, pressure will build up in the line behind the valve and it will burst i think?

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Tinking of building one to!
But im still figuring out what the best/cheapest way would be to prevent my ro/di resivoir from flooding..
I dont think a simple float switch will do the trick..(like those on tge red sea ato)
As it only closes the clean water line, pressure will build up in the line behind the valve and it will burst i think?

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Do you have an Apex or other controller? I use a combination of an Apex controller electronic solenoid and a regular old float switch for redundancy.

As Vinny Kreyling indicated, you'll be fine with a pressurized line. The first 2' of mine coming off the faucet is always pressurized and I haven't had any issues. I just have two different shutoff options in case of a failure.
I ordered two 40 gallon containers online, so I'll be joining the club in time. My tank is 43 gallons, but I figured this would give me enough water if I want to upgrade to a 70 down the line.
I ordered two 40 gallon containers online, so I'll be joining the club in time. My tank is 43 gallons, but I figured this would give me enough water if I want to upgrade to a 70 down the line.

Where did you order the 40's from?

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