"Saltwater Connections" owner gets fined 135,000.

too funny how its stated he sold sea horses and clams on the black market like he was dealing crack. lol, glad he got at least a minimum fine instead of a slap like so many others. there was obviously a paper trail that goes back to indo, i know their government wouldnt do crap about the guy shipping these animals but why cant the canadian/US government at least put the guy/company and anyone involved on a black list. its a small step in the right direction. ps. alot of shops in our area stopped carrying SWC equipment.
too bad about this ordeal... he made some well regarded skimmers.. guess he is still in business but I hope most choose another brand vs supporting him.
yea gotta give props to the canadian gov here for going after him like this. He was on the hook for over 1 mil in fines....135,000 isnt alot for this guy unfortunately.
"But judge, I was just trying to build this here fence...."

Either this will stop him, or he will just get sneaker...
Yes I just ordered several boxes of fresh tongan live rock for my backyard fence. Still need to place a clam order for the fence posts though. Isn't that how everyone else does it?
What, none of you guys have fences made of live rock?!

Glad to see that this guy didn't get off the hook. I would never buy a SWC product or support this guy's illegal activities.
OK so he's using clams and live rock to build a fence. I'm guessing its to keep the sea horses from getting out?

I had considered one of their skimmers at one time, but am glad that I did not buy one.
I've never purchased livestock from SWC but I have bought dry goods. That story is whack. Thanks for the post.
I do take issue with one point the article made, a fence made of live rock would be plenty strong enought to survive the prairie winter.
I could care less either way. If the company is taking that bad of a hit, he will just open under a different name and all will be good.