Saltwater Solutions


New member
does the store still have a web site. I am looking for a certian fish, and dont want to drive an hour if they dont have one.
I am looking for one of the lesser expensive fairy wrasses.
i'm looking at longfin, carpenters, whip fin (may ne the same as longfin) one of the less expensive ones that are reef safe. dont want to spend 50 bucks on one. :D
maybe i'll come down to the store tomorrow. I still have some corals i need to trade in if its ok.
Hi Dawn, how are you. someone was asking about you the otherday on I think it was benter. He moved upnorth somewhere. How is your tank. The leather you gave me is doing great and really big.
Coralfarmer owns Salt water solutions now.
Hey, I'm great- hello to Benter! So, Coralfarmer is Ryan. . I'm glad the leather is doing great- The babies are growing back from where we removed it I hadn't been out much looking at corals for some time. Yesterday I went down to SW Solutions, and today to the Glass Ocean- they have some nice stuff! I gave both stores some business!

Regards, Dawn
Ive never been to glass ocean-I guess i'll have to go look. I still need lots to fill us theis 150 gal. I did pick up a couple new fish to day at sws.
Funny you should ask. A year ago, I was searching for a Chevron- it was one of those times when no one had one. Fernando got one in, and he looked pretty nice, and he said he'd eaten. I took him home and put him in QT. This was Fri. He nibbled a little on the rock, but took no food offerings. By Sun. he has just swimming back and forth nervously. I called Fernando who suggested I acclimate him to the reef- "perhaps there was something in my QT, as it's in the laundry room." After a long acclimation- I put him in the reef. When I fed the other fish, he swam around excitedly, but on close observation- ate nothing. The next morning he came out, ate nothing, and died a few hours later. He was really stuck in the rocks, and had to take the tank partially apart. Fernando felt it was myQT tank- as it's in the laundry room (I'm extremely careful). I took the chevron to my vet- who's very knowledgeable about fish ( he once anesthetized my regal, and fixed him). He did a necropsy and could find nothing- could be cyanide- but for that testing, it would have involved sending him out, and considerable more expense. This left me with no resolution. I went to George's at Reef Aquar.- bought a clown- who was next on my list, put him in the QT (along with all the laundry detergent) and he was, of course a- ok. Long story short, Fernando had a Kole that he'd had for a couple of weeks and was fine, so I decided to have him hold him (originally, I was between a Kole and a Chevron) When I came to get him a few days later, something had happened to him the day before, and he had died. I was livid, had I come 2 days earlier, I would have taken home a perfectly fine fish, who would have once again died on my watch! These are the kind of things that make people leave this hobby. It's tough enough- not knowing how things are collected, or at what depth, etc. It took me a while to step foot in the store again. A couple of weeks later, I bought Daphne, my current Chevron, from Rich at Boardroom. That was about a year ago.
Probably more info than you wanted to know!
The orange sponge looks nice in the tank- but I can' find him in the books. What is his scietific name? Regards, Dawn
Yea I hear a lot of stories about Fernando and how he ran his store, I hope with a lot of hard work I can bring back all the people who stopped coming to the store.
Yea i understand, its all part of the hobby. Fish are the only pets in the world that can refuse to eat and starve to death. Its just one of those things....