Since Sara is busy testing out her newest sled, I will boldly speak on her behalf.
This past Saturday we finally turned the main drive pump on without any leaks. While it seems like we had leaks everywhere, that was not the case. The leaks we were experiencing were at the drive pump connections. We tried gobs of tape twice, tape and silicone lubricant once, and PVC pipe thread goop. Nothing held. As Sara stated, a friend of hers read this thread (I don't remember his name, but both of us extend a huge thanks for the long-distance assist) and sent e-mail to Sara explaining that she needed fittings designed specifically for pump threading and that those, coupled with marine silicone sealant, would seal up the system. He sent her the necessary fittings, and we installed them, waiting 24 hr. for the sealant to cure. We also had two other threaded fittings from bulkheads at the bottom of the main sump that we didn't trust, so we took those apart and used the silicone sealant on them.
After the 24-hr. curing period, we fired up the system and it's been bone dry ever since. The key was fittings designed for the pump threads and the silicone sealant.
Rock that has been curing for a year was put into the tank, along with some active live rock. I'm not sure what Sara's plans are, but for now it is clear that the system is just going to run for awhile. The two surges are working well, but definitely need some fine tuning. When they drain, they put an excellent jolt of water into the tank.
The next project is the light racks and hoods. I don't know the status of that end of the project. It won't be too many more weeks and we should start to see some life in the tank.
I'm confident Sara will add to this when she gets thawed out.