Scotty & Tammy's 4x4x2 SPS tank

Beautiful fish!
What does it eat?

Thanks Matt :)
Had her in the tank for under 12hrs mate so she hasn't eaten as of yet. She had a pretty stressful time getting to me too as the box she was in got misplaced at an airport and stuck overnight in a different state on a really warm day! Took all up around 26 hours to get to me rather than the normal 5. I'm just happy at the moment she even survived the trip.
Beautiful wrasse!!

On a side note, I bought a christmas tree worm rock from LiveAquarias Divers Den section. The video of yours a few pages back inspired me to try my hands at one.

I've had it a month now and it seems to be doing well. I'm hoping to have success with it like you.
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Ouch! I hope she does ok. Good thing you got some photos before she ducks into the sand for a little r&r..
Good luck with her, she's beautiful.
Beautiful little fish Scotty, i hope she settles in and we see lots more pics of her in future updates mate :thumbsup:
When did they start photoshopping fish:confused::lol:. Man is she stunning Scott:eek1:. I'm glad she survived the trip mate, that would have been pretty rough on any fish let alone a delicate wrasse. You could say I'm a touch jealous right now:p
Tis a beauty! :beer:

Must have cost a fair number of the UK they cost £££££££'s.
Beautiful wrasse!!

On a side note, I bought a christmas tree worm rock from LiveAquarias Divers Den section. The video of yours a few pages back inspired me to try my hands at one.

I've had it a month now and it seems to be doing well. I'm hoping to have success with it like you.

Thanks basser1 :)

Christmas tree worms make a great addition to any tank IMO, I don't give them any special treatment and mine do just fine so I'm sure you will do great with them mate. Keep me updated on how your going with them :)

Ouch! I hope she does ok. Good thing you got some photos before she ducks into the sand for a little r&r..
Good luck with her, she's beautiful.

Hi Matt, you were right she did duck into the sand for a little r&r not long after the photo. She was out again this morning and I managed to get her eating some frozen brine so I'm very happy about that :)

Great addition! Definitely a stunner

Thanks cFloor :)
Beautiful little fish Scotty, i hope she settles in and we see lots more pics of her in future updates mate :thumbsup:

Hey biggles, I'm hoping so too buddy she's a really beautiful fish and I'm very happy with her :thumbsup:

When did they start photoshopping fish:confused::lol:. Man is she stunning Scott:eek1:. I'm glad she survived the trip mate, that would have been pretty rough on any fish let alone a delicate wrasse. You could say I'm a touch jealous right now:p

Hey Fish, thanks mate very happy I've always wanted one, may have to get her a partner of all goes to plan buddy ;)

Great looking fish hopes she does well

Thanks Dan :)

Tis a beauty! :beer:

Must have cost a fair number of the UK they cost £££££££'s.

Hi sahin :wave:

Actually the price was really good with these she was only $300 AUD so that was a big bonus too mate
Only 300!!! Wow, but for colors like that you've got to pay big bucks.

ONLY $300- ! Listen Scotty, unless you show me pics of that wrasse pooping gold ingots onto the sand bed there is no way i'm ever getting one of those :spin2:

Now listen you 2, I have a reason behind my "only $300" remark :lolspin:
The reason is that my mate that works at the LFS I purchased her from bought one himself last time some came in. Now he works their and his cost him a little under $1000 just for a female! So that's my justification for my "only $300" remark ok :lol:

P.S Biggles I can only hope she poops gold nuggets, it will be the best $300 I've ever spent :P
ONLY $300- ! Listen Scotty, unless you show me pics of that wrasse pooping gold ingots onto the sand bed there is no way i'm ever getting one of those :spin2:

Biggles, mate you need to buy one of these wrasses (or other flasher type wrasse) and see it swimming around your tank and you will appreciate them. :artist:
1000 dollars!!!!!!!!!! It would be cheaper to fly first class to where ever these wrasses live, hire a boat to take me to the wrasses and then dive down and catch one myself. Then bag it and fly first class back here[emoji574] :facepalm::lmao::lolspin:
Biggles, mate you need to buy one of these wrasses (or other flasher type wrasse) and see it swimming around your tank and you will appreciate them. :artist:
But I have to agree with sahin, they are truly beautiful to watch but I'll take my $36 half price, miss identified wrasse over a photoshopped $300 dollar one any day:bum:
Biggles, mate you need to buy one of these wrasses (or other flasher type wrasse) and see it swimming around your tank and you will appreciate them. :artist:

I might just do that mate :)

1000 dollars!!!!!!!!!! It would be cheaper to fly first class to where ever these wrasses live, hire a boat to take me to the wrasses and then dive down and catch one myself.

Apparently Scotty's mate lost that one when it sank to the bottom due to all the gold it was loaded with......
Some pics I took with the iPhone last night


image_zpsff8ba999.jpg hate you:mad2::mad2::mad2::p:p
Aweeeeesome scotty buddy!!
As the months go by this tank looks more and more sick!
Love your last vid too!
Have you started cutting all these corals or you will give them some more growth space,before that?
Biggles, mate you need to buy one of these wrasses (or other flasher type wrasse) and see it swimming around your tank and you will appreciate them. :artist:

I agree sahin, until you see them in the flesh they are hard to appreciate :)

1000 dollars!!!!!!!!!! It would be cheaper to fly first class to where ever these wrasses live, hire a boat to take me to the wrasses and then dive down and catch one myself. Then bag it and fly first class back here[emoji574] :facepalm::lmao::lolspin:

But I have to agree with sahin, they are truly beautiful to watch but I'll take my $36 half price, miss identified wrasse over a photoshopped $300 dollar one any day:bum:

You probably nearly could Fishy :lol:

Apparently Scotty's mate lost that one when it sank to the bottom due to all the gold it was loaded with......[/QUOTE]

Actually biggles mate I think something like that may have happened but without the gold :lolspin: ;) hate you:mad2::mad2::mad2::p:p
Aweeeeesome scotty buddy!!
As the months go by this tank looks more and more sick!
Love your last vid too!
Have you started cutting all these corals or you will give them some more growth space,before that?

Hi Mike :wave:
Sorry buddy I did it again :lol:
Thank you mate and the video my son made turned out great he did an excellent job with it.
At the moment I've just been letting things go as they are but occasionally I give stuff a little trim for more growing room. I have had some bits that have hit each other and then actually started fusing together and my pink birdsnest has started growing through my green monti cap at the front which looks pretty cool, it dies off as it grows through then the tips start colouring back up again :)

Good to hear from my friend hope all is well :thumbsup: