Scotty freddy
New member
A couple of pics I took during today's WC that turned out ok
Holy Cow! That is beautiful !
Wow mate, now thats an acro forest. :beer:
Well you thought good scotty!!!
Oh myyyy god....such an amazing pic buddy!
How weird is that montis growth pattern:wildone:
There is something in mature tanks with big sps colonies...that makes my eyes cry:sad2:
Have i told you lately,that i hate you???:mad2:
Corals of this size can make you more a gardener than a reefer
Do you have problems with flow too,as they grow?Generally in the tank or especially in the center of the large corals?
ohhhhhh.....and.....i hate you:angryfire::angryfire::love1::love1:
(please don't take the kiss literally )
Crackerjack crazy awesome................ that about sums up what i think of those last pics Scotty. :thumbsup:
The only thing missing from your display is a Spud.........
Your tank really is just nuts.... A crackerjack box o' nuts!!!
Hi Scotty,
According to your T5 configuration, your B+ and actinic tubes (in one unit) (actinic being in the front) must come on first before your other six tubes fire. I wonder if you would mind posting a picture of your tank while only these two tubes are on.
I LOVE the real reef porn!!
It just keeps getting better and better..
Excellent color combination…. You are an artist!
Nice tank! Love the layout.
Hi Bulent
Yes I can do that for you, Tomorrow night when It's night time on the reef I will take some pics and post them