SeanT 's 300 gallon Cube-esque project.

Thanks kdblove.

Hey Joe, I appreciate the link, I need to get back to TRT.
Real life called with my new businesses. :(
Heck, I think I am still a moderator there. :)
Picture of the Fauna Marin UltraSolaris.
I was originally going to go with three of these, then two, now just this one.
I am liking the potential of the GHL I-Bars with their dimmable ballasts. :)

Awoke to some packages today...FedEx left one but didn't leave the other...signature required. :(
They will re-deliver tomorrow.

UPS left two as well. :D

T5 bulbs and my wife's cat Emmitt (Named after the GREATEST running back of all time)!!

Some power bars for the profilux and a GHL Breeze Fan, 3 fan model.
And acrylic algae pads...gotta transfer from glass to acrylic. :)

SeanT... Long time no talk to ya. Been out of the hobby for about 5 years, just getting back in. I have a Question for ya, where di d you pick that lighting fixture up at? That is exactly what Im thinking of getting for y new 75g I'm setting up. Also just to mention getting prepared to cook some rock using your method, it is the old rock I took out of my mixed 65g and threw under the house in boxes, cant wait to see all the asty I get outta them.

Her Cat. ;)

Barry had mad skills...but is a quitter. :(

I, and my buddies, used to love to talk about how completely insane he would have been behind our O-Line in the 90's.

Shudderingly good.
With the customizations of the back wall I was being quoted between $12,000 - $16,000.

wait 12-16k fer the tank? i myslef build tanks and can tell u starfire or not thats a rip off!

15mm glass is the thickness needed(im assuming u didnt choose to go for thicker glass.

now i would make a tank like that for under 3000. add starfire well under 8000 easily.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12557178#post12557178 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SeanT
With the customizations of the back wall I was being quoted between $12,000 - $16,000.


no doubt.
I want to add that the retailers can charge what they enterprise. :)

Back on track:

I just received 2 GHL I-Bars and 4 Simu LED sticks in today.

I will get some pics up soon.
Here is a pic of an I Bar with a Simu L (LED) Stick.
It has mounting brackets but I am not going to drill it into the I Bar, the Osram ballasts are in there and I don't want to make a mistake. :)

Instead, I will use black nylon ties (where the RED lines are) to secure it to the fixture.

But first, I will add 3 dabs of silicone (where the BLUE dots are) and let it cure so the Sticks don't wiggle free and tilt off center.

Some pics, bad one's for sure, of the unit with IceCap SLR's placed in there.
They fit fine.

I do NOT HAVE A CLUE how the reflectors are supposed to stay there...I didnt want to drill the reflectors into the canopy but looks like I will have too. :(


Now the biggest challenge.

The one major drawback I can see to the I Bars is that they have no mounting kits, brackets, etc.
It is every man for himself here.
The ends of the units have plates.
I spoke with Michael from Aqua Digital and asked if I could drill through them to add my own hardware, he said that is what most do.

The red circles indicate where I will drill.


