SeanT 's 300 gallon Cube-esque project.

I have 99% of the way given up on lengthening those due to the "would look like poo" factor. :(
I just drilled a hole in the back wall for one of the Waveboxes and I tell you, 1" thick acrylic is no joke.
Took me about 3 minutes to get through it lol.
Some pics.
First is with Tunze Stream in and second Stream has been removed.


Thanks Sean,

I was just wondering how you would do maintenance on the on the OM if necessary.

So your wavebox is going to be external. Very cool and good job on that!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13464576#post13464576 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SeanT
I just drilled a hole in the back wall for one of the Waveboxes and I tell you, 1" thick acrylic is no joke.
Took me about 3 minutes to get through it lol.

3 minutes? dayem. Took me about 30 to get through my "3/4"... you must have had a much better hole saw!
hmmm...I had a much "better" bit. And an assistant to spray it with water while I drilled. Maybe it took longer because there was water in the tank! :rolleyes:
Monday through Wednesday are my days to work on getting this tank setup.

I decided today to crawl under the house and put some jacks under the beams.

I purchased 4 new ones, my neighbor saw me and gave me an additional 5 that he had laying around.

Only a few pics, dirty and cramped spaces are not conducive to me taken a lot of pics. :)
Hey SeanT, looks good. I used 4X4 under miy houseto prepare for my new tank.... think I will change out to the jacks - look a bit more sturdy. Where did you pick them up at, and can you get longer ones? Thanks Man. :)
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jacks 2 image clearly shows a cheap Craftsman wrench near the bottom end of the jack. The amount of coin spent here justifies a Snap On at least!