SeanT 's 300 gallon Cube-esque project.

I finished drilling the two external Tunze Stream holes.

They are overly large so that I can anfle the Streams in different directions if I so choose.

Here is a close up of the two closed loop drain filters.

1. They are huge which is good because it will prevent livestock from getting stuck from the suction.

2. They are huge which is bad because they are a bit of an eyesore.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13510022#post13510022 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SeanT
Here is a close up of the two closed loop drain filters.

1. They are huge which is good because it will prevent livestock from getting stuck from the suction.

2. They are huge which is bad because they are a bit of an eyesore.


sean, I cut mine down from two side sections to just one (removed about an inch of the overall depth) and it made it much easier on the eyes and there should still be plenty of surface area to soften the suction it!
I shortened the neck on mine, and attached it with a shortened CL threaded fitting. At least, it projects into the tank a lot less.

I also removed 1/2 of the small tabs that keep the front in place so that I can disassemble it easily for cleaning.

Just another idea for you...


sorry for the lag but I couldnt get a good shot for nothing...anyways this is the best I could do and hope it helps :)


I basically cut the flat portion off, then I cut the entire middle section out (about1" +or- ) and then reattached the falt peice!
I began planning out the rockwork today...with a little help from the Mrs. prodding last night.

First thing I had to do was cut down one of the large plates.

It pained me to do it but the piece was just too big.
I hacked off a piece 16" long and 10" at its widest point, the rock is still huge.

The good thing is I have an extra piece for frags.


Used a regular old grinder.


It made a smooth and unnatural looking cut.

This side will face the back of the tank and be unseen.

Looks great Sean!

I'm thinking of doing something similar...have you thought about how your going to attach the rocks together? I know people used Thorite cement with success, and you dont have to worry about it effecting pH. I've called around and apparently BASF stopped making it and it was obsolete two years ago "ish."
Yeah, I would be intrested too. I just ordered my 100g Arylic, and I want to have a sound structure that will not tumble\topple over into a side wall or the bottom.
I have that all covered.

With acrylic rods, 2 part epoxy and the KZ cement, I will attempt to make it look sweet. ;)

