SeanT 's 300 gallon Cube-esque project.

How many pounds are those 2 rock mounds? I like all the open space you're creating in your tank, but will that be enough rock for your tank's filtration needs? Also, I personally think it would look better if 1 island was taller than the other (I'd make the one closer to the back a little higher), but that's just me.
Make sure you mix the speedglue into a thick paste for it to work well...once it's dry, it's like a cement!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13539351#post13539351 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dudester
How many pounds are those 2 rock mounds? I like all the open space you're creating in your tank, but will that be enough rock for your tank's filtration needs? Also, I personally think it would look better if 1 island was taller than the other (I'd make the one closer to the back a little higher), but that's just me.

With the proper filtration you don't need a ton of rock or (heaven forbid) sand in your tank.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13540774#post13540774 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sherm71tank
With the proper filtration you don't need a ton of rock or (heaven forbid) sand in your tank.
Agreed, but since I cannot recall which skimmer Sean is using and his other modes of filtration (I'm subscribed to too many threads), I wanted to be sure his system was designed with adequate denitrification. And just to be clear, LR is a form of filtration. Just an ounce of prevention, my friend.
Or it could be a pound of trouble, my friend. SeanT and Bomber kept me from leaving this hobby several years ago. I trust he knows what he is doing with his filtration.
Yeah, you know I have filtration on lock down. :D

I run a Deltec AP 702 currently and may upgrade to an H&S 1003.
Among other husbandry techniques and mechanical means.

The pics I posted are just the very first step in designing the 'scape.
There will be more rock in the tank than that...afterall, I need a place to put corals. ;)

Ed, thanks for the tip, I will play around with it.

I promise to take pics of the assembly. :)

I trust that he knows what he's doing as well. But let's let SeanT answer the question, since this is a very popular thread and many others who are following may not have the knowledge and experience that you posess.

Edit: Whoops, simultaneous post, looks like he already has :cool:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13540875#post13540875 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dudester
I wanted to be sure his system was designed with adequate denitrification.

If you get rid of the waste before it becomes nitrate there is no need for denitrification.
Sure there is. It's a form of redundancy in the event of equipment failure, particularly if something fails when we're away for 2 weeks on vacation. Because that's exactly when things go wrong - when we're not around to monitor the system.
Nitrate isn't something that goes wrong in two weeks while you're gone on vacation. Problem nitrates build up over longer periods of time.
Perhaps, but there's nothing wrong with having safeguards built into one's system that can help to prevent problems from occuring in the first place. I guess I'll have to keep an eye on this thread since assuredly my last statement will be contradicted as well. Here are some more for you, while you're at it.

The sky is blue. The earth is round. Care to argue any of those points, or should we continue this dialog via pm so SeanT can tell us about his new tank?
Anywho... ;)

Started again today.

First thing was to build a new template with excess foamboard.

Line up the rocks and drill the first hole.

*NOTE: I am NOT drilling all the way through the rocks.
Just about 2" (a little under) then the same through the other rock and sandwiching them together.

Both rocks frilled with an acrylic rod joining them, at this point I am just making sure the holes line up.
