SeanT 's 300 gallon Cube-esque project.

Hmm... If you don't mind describing for me what your overflow box(es) and drains situation is, then I'll take you through it.

Suffice to say that if you still CAN implement a Herbie based drain system, you get complete silence and don't need Dursos. It is just a better way to do it...

If you are too far down the drilling/plumbing/planning path, then you might just be stuck with Dursos because it does required having some excess drain capacity.
Here is a pic of my overlow box (a bad one at that).

It is 13" tall and is drilled for 1.5" bulkheads.

OK...this looks perfect.

I know since you were looking for 4 dursos that you are planning on using these 4 holes as drains.

In order to make this work, you need to know that you can put 100% of your flow down ONLY two of those drains. It is very likely that you can. For example, I use a Dart...after head loss I'm putting about 1500 gph through 2 1.5" drains.

2 of the drains become "Primary drains". The other two become "Emergency Drains".

You merge the two primary drains into a single pipe, and put a gate valve on that pipe. Inside the overflow box, you don't put anything on top of the primary drains. This drain pipe should enter the sump below the water level of the sump.

You can also merge the emergency drains...or not...It doesn't matter. In the overflow box, you put standpipes on top of the emergency drains that are ALMOST as high as the water level.

Once things get flowing, you dial the gate valve back until the water begins to back up into the overflow box. At a magic point, the water level in the overflow box begins to generate enough head pressure to precisely match the amount of flow you are putting in. At that point, water flows silently into the sump because no air is drawn into the drains...No air, no sound, no bubbles, no splashing in the sump..silence.

The emergency drains are just there to ensure that nothing can go wrong. If something blocks the primary drains, the water level will rise to the emergency standpipes and the water will begin to go down those. In doing so, it will create much noise...thereby alerting you that something needs attention.

Crude diagram follows:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13828080#post13828080 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SeanT
Looks intriguing.

What prevents a vortex from forming over the primary drain?

If the water level were only an inch or so above the primary drains, then you would get a vortex.

However, as soon as the water level above the primarys gets a few inches deep, this vortex can't form. (Why not?...physics that is beyond me...)

Here are a couple of shots of my Herbies in action. Water falls from my refugium through a Herbie:

...and one of my main overflow boxes...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13830272#post13830272 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SeanT
Is that a Herbie or just a piece of SCH 80 PVC? :)

Both are examples of operating Herbie overflows. In both cases, you can see the primary drain and the emergency drain.

The picture of the refugium shows this the best. It is running during that photo. 100% of the water is flowing down the primary bulkhead. You can see the emergency drain is just a PVC standpipe. In this case, the water level is stable and lower than the emergency standpipe so no water is going down that pipe.

What you are NOT seeing in those photos is the gate valve which is below the primary drain. Here's a photo of that part of the Herbie.
Wow, almost 24 hours later exactly.
I worled all day on it (15 hours) and finally got to put about 4" of water in to check for leaks on the closed loop system.

Of course there are a few :rolleyes:

I have managed to stop all but 2...very slow drips (COME ON SALT CREEP!!!)
Just kidding, I will fix them in the morning.

All the leaks are on threaded fittings with Teflon tape too. :mad2:

In my tired state I forgot to put in a true union ball valve so I get to do that in existing!

I need rest again. :)
I just went throguh all this so I feel you on the leaks and adding the tubv...the leaks made me want to give up at one point!!!