SeanT 's 300 gallon Cube-esque project.

Comparison pic, for Steve ;) , of the differences in gray between this and SCH 80 PVC.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12425701#post12425701 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by skey44
I got my 6x54 in a week and i love it. Didn't know folks were having trouble.
Where and when did you get it?
I have some pieces of plate rock that are too large for what I am doing and I would like to cut them down some.
They are about 2"-3" thick.

Has anyone cut live rock and can you recommend what kind of saw and/or blade to use?
Cuts in a downward motion.

Just don't go the route one LFS near me did and try to use a hammer and a screwdriver.
Funny little story, to you, not me at the time.
Getting a bit funnier now though. :)

I have been taking rock out of the right side and middle of the tank and putting it in the "cooking" tub after giving them a good dunking and swishing.

I also put the large plate rocks in from BRS to clean them up.

All my frags are on the bottom of the tank and I put my PVC/eggcrate rack in to hold them.
I am taking them off the bottom one at a time, everthing is going fine.

I have most of the corals on the back half of the rack to make sure I have enough room, ya know, like filling a bus, you seat the back first.

All the weight of the corals are on the back, so what happens?

The front half of the Starboard, which has been down there for about 3-4 years (I forget) starts to float up.


Since the front half floats up, as it rises it pulls the back half forward.
This lets the back of the racks legs slide BEHIND the back half or the Starboard.
Not really a hard fix right?
Lift rack, slide Starboard down and back, set rack on top, evenly distribute corals for weighing down.


This whole action happened in LESS than 5 minutes.

Who would have thought that 6 Astrea & Trochus snails could have booked balls that fast to the center of the now floating Starboard?
They did and my plan of putting it down easily is boned.

So, I had to pull 2 of the racks legs off and slide the Starboard out...dripping everywhere. :rolleyes:

Two quick observations:
1. My damn snails are fast, I should race them against other reefers' snails for money!

2. After that many years underneath my Starboard did NOT have that much detritus under it at all, only 2-3 small nickel sized spots.
But since it did kick up I might as well do a water change.

I took some pics but my wife left with the camera...she is notorious for formatting the memory card.
yeah, when you get hauled off by the man, she can erase your drives! :lol:

BTW, that IS a funny story. And Starboard floats? I didn't know that, for all the times I have sold it, I never thought to test it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12422681#post12422681 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SeanT
The LED sticks or is there something else?

You have an option of ProfiLuxSimu-L Stick or ProfiLux Simu LED Sunrise-set/Moon/Storm Spot.

The brightness is the same, the spot gives a more diectional light path, which is good for simulating things like moon intensity more in one area and then fading across the tank.

The stick gives a more generic all over coverage.

Here is some video you can watch....

I have not used it and still thinking if I should order it in the future as it looks really cool....

Hope that helps....Cheers
Guess we are all trying to imitate nature as much as possible, incl. lightning effect... :) Don't know if it benefit our reefs or not...