Shallow reef tank Club

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12872019#post12872019 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SunnyX
Well I put in my order for a 48"x24"x20" Rimless starphire tank from Miracles In Glass last week so I should be in the club soon. :)

are you keeping the big tank? I cant wait to see what you do with it, I think you are a master of coral placement, your current tank makes me weak in the knees just thinking about it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12872384#post12872384 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GSMguy
are you keeping the big tank? I cant wait to see what you do with it, I think you are a master of coral placement, your current tank makes me weak in the knees just thinking about it.

Sorry to say he broke down his current tank. He is moving, I think.
Thanks guys! The current tank is being taken down due to a move, but the new tank will be setup when I settle everything down.

It would be an understatement to say that I am quite excited!

I also have a Aquatinics Constellation 7x54W T5 unit on the way. This tank is going in a different direction compared to my past ones.

I also like the smaller size as it will be easier to maintain and cut down on moisture in the house.
have any of you guys got videos of your tanks?

also , i will be setting up a 22" tall tank soon. any chance i can join the club?;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12874002#post12874002 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SunnyX
Thanks guys! The current tank is being taken down due to a move, but the new tank will be setup when I settle everything down.

It would be an understatement to say that I am quite excited!

I also have a Aquatinics Constellation 7x54W T5 unit on the way. This tank is going in a different direction compared to my past ones.

I also like the smaller size as it will be easier to maintain and cut down on moisture in the house.

Downsizing a bit? I love your current tank.

I just ordered a 72 x 30 x 26 LWH tank from Miracles a couple weeks ago. Can't wait to get it. I had a couple acrylic tanks locally built to serve as a frag & fuge tanks. I suppose the frag tank qualifies as a shallow reef (18" tall).
oldtimer post those frag tanks shots :)

Pasenah for the tank to be considered "shallow" i think it would need to be at least 36 inches Wide
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12896536#post12896536 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GSMguy
oldtimer post those frag tanks shots :)

Pasenah for the tank to be considered "shallow" i think it would need to be at least 36 inches Wide

no offence but what does width have to do with it being shallow?

the tank will be 36" x 26" x 22"
just either has a shallow appearance or it does not, the width helps accentuate the low water level but it is not the only factor of course...

i would say the tank your getting would qualify as shallow as it is deeper and wider than it is tall. For you switching fro 28" to 22" it sure will seem much more shallow but its not like my tank that has only 14 inches of height to work with or Leonardo with his 12 inch water height.
ok, cool. i wanted to go with 20" high but the wife stopped me,lol.
im looking forward to the ease of maintenance and the chance to look down on it.

Ease of maintenance is great, Ben tell me is the tank glass or acrylic? how thick? any bracing?

i have been thinking about a Desktop zoa/ Ricordia garden and i am probably getting a 24x12x6 ADA nano tank soon, i cant wait.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12897177#post12897177 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GSMguy
Ease of maintenance is great, Ben tell me is the tank glass or acrylic? how thick? any bracing?

i have been thinking about a Desktop zoa/ Ricordia garden and i am probably getting a 24x12x6 ADA nano tank soon, i cant wait.

it will be glass and i will have braces as i cant afford a braceless. shame as braceless look fantastic.
the braces will be narrow though,mabye 2"wide, and high up too.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12896582#post12896582 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pasenah

the tank will be 36" x 26" x 22"

You're out.. the club has made an unanimous decision that the max height is 20" tops. Good luck joining the tall tank reef club :lol:

hahaha. I will never be able to post pics of my tank in this thread :lol:

however, maybe once my frag tank (36x18x18) gets a bunch of corals in it I will post that.

maybe using rocks with holes drilled instead of typical egg-crate shelves could make the frag tank more of another display...
although i guess eggcrate shelves in frag tanks are also to keep the flow going and prevent detritus. Could be done either way I guess
I'm calling out the tall tank exorcists :) I was just commenting how nice a guy's tank looked that had 115g in, I believe, a 4 foot space. I'm putting 7 gallons less than that in an 8ft space :)