Shallow reef tank Club

Dear Everyone (in this thread):

Do the shallow tanks heat up more than the big ones? Necessitating a better chiller or more electricity use because the chiller is used more than normal tanks? Converse issue with heater in the winter?
WishFIsh I haven't noticed any huge or crazy increase in heat or chiller activity since setting up the shallow reef. the 4 120mm fans i have blowing across the tank helps out greatly.
shallow reefs and additional heat

shallow reefs and additional heat

WishFIsh I haven't noticed any huge or crazy increase in heat or chiller activity since setting up the shallow reef. the 4 120mm fans i have blowing across the tank helps out greatly.

No, I mean extra heating load compared to a standard depth tank?

LOL sorry mis understood.

Nope i have the same heater in this tank that i did in my 100 gallon this one is 20 gallons less. Hopefully that is what you were wanting to hear... Maybe some of the others could put their 2 cents in with their experiences.
more heating in a shallow tank???

more heating in a shallow tank???

LOL sorry mis understood.

Nope i have the same heater in this tank that i did in my 100 gallon this one is 20 gallons less. Hopefully that is what you were wanting to hear... Maybe some of the others could put their 2 cents in with their experiences.

Not to worry. I am the mega-newbie here.

Thoughts from the RC?

I wouldn't think they would have any more heat problems than your average tank. In fact, due to the lower light requirements and relatively large surface area, they should have less heat problems.
heat issues

heat issues

I wouldn't think they would have any more heat problems than your average tank. In fact, due to the lower light requirements and relatively large surface area, they should have less heat problems.

Ok. Thanks a lot.

Hmm my pics didnt show i think.?



  • karetutanblixt1.jpg
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Adddo very nice.... Is that a Bonsai tree i see??? I have thought about tryin one kind of off topic but can you PM me info about your light setup for the bonsai?
Addo very nice, how tall is your stand?

Thanks :) The stand is 115cm and the tank is 30cm.

Adddo very nice.... Is that a Bonsai tree i see??? I have thought about tryin one kind of off topic but can you PM me info about your light setup for the bonsai?

Thanks, yes it is :) Its a Fig tree bonsai. I'm in no way shape or form a bonsai artist. All i did was read up on the basics on how to care for them on the Swedish bonsai societys webpage and went out and bought one "ready made" I dont think that between work, wife, kids, reefing i'd have enough time to propagate bonsaitrees aswell. But i love the look of them.

The light for the bonsai is a 3x35w halide from Ikea. They usually do well when placed in a window but since my tree is in the middle of the room supplemental lightning is required and regular halides do the job well enough.

I thinking of getting a tank made in Acrylic but I am afraid with trying to keep it clean especially when getting coraline algae. Have you had an issues with scratches or maintenance.


I prefer acrylic personally. Glass is easier to scrape, but proper maintenance on acrylic and it is just as easy to keep clean.