New member
Ill look around tonight to see if i can find it.
WishFIsh I haven't noticed any huge or crazy increase in heat or chiller activity since setting up the shallow reef. the 4 120mm fans i have blowing across the tank helps out greatly.
LOL sorry mis understood.
Nope i have the same heater in this tank that i did in my 100 gallon this one is 20 gallons less. Hopefully that is what you were wanting to hear... Maybe some of the others could put their 2 cents in with their experiences.
I wouldn't think they would have any more heat problems than your average tank. In fact, due to the lower light requirements and relatively large surface area, they should have less heat problems.
Interesting. If you find the cable I would love to see a pic!
Addo very nice, how tall is your stand?
Adddo very nice.... Is that a Bonsai tree i see??? I have thought about tryin one kind of off topic but can you PM me info about your light setup for the bonsai?
Evoracer.... wife found the cable if your still interested let me know i will post up the pic or send it your way via PM.
Only rule to Rule to join the club
Your tank should be longer or deeper than it is tall, unless it is a very large tank.