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How does it fair when cleaning?
As you can see from some of my previous posts, I have set up a 150g shallow reef, 72"x 30"x16"tall.
To put this tank together, I am trying to recycle as many parts and pieces as I can from my collection of equipment from previous tanks. My current problem is powerhead selection in a shallow reef. I had a couple of JVP-202B powerheads left over from a previous big tank. These will do 12,000Lph. I took out one of the two impellers, so I am down to 6000lph or about 1600gph flow. I have one on each end of the tank. One on the right front side and one on the left back side. Trying to get some sort of circular flow going in the tank.
Anyway my major problem is too much flow for the height of the tank. If I move the powerheads up high, I splash too much water. If I move the powerheads down low, I disturb the sand bed. My 150g shallow reef has a 50/50 mix zoas and sps.
Any suggestions on how to get good flow but not disturb the sandbed?
my tank arrived today 48x24x16 and a frag tank 20x16x8 here are some pictures: