Shallow reef tank Club

Very nice. Do you have it set so you can look down into it? I am contemplating doing a major rework on mine to put in a false wall and move my gear out from under the tank to behind it for ease of maintenance. Have the skimmer and other stuff right there without having to bend down or crawl under has to be a godsend. I am starting to get too old for that crap :p
I searched through a good bit of this thread, but admittedly not all of it.

I am in the market for a cheap shallow tank that is efficient with lighting (planning on using a dimmable 400w MH w/ lumenarc III mini). Originally I was looking at doing a 36x36x12tank, however a 30x30x18 70 gallon sounds like a more aesthetic reef, while a 48x24x16 is still in the possibility as all these dimensions can be made out of a 4x8' 3/8" acrylic sheet. Does anyone have any pics of a tank with any of these dimensions?
Love it Bleedfire! That has to be the biggest AIO tank I have ever seen. Seriously where the skimmer is... are there chambers attached to the tank like an AIO?

Sorry I don't know what AIO stands for...

And no Chamber its Just a regular Seaclone and AC 110 had frustrations into making it work realize that you just gotta let it sit for 2 months in the tank till it properly start working,

Thanks pallobi

Heres more pictures of the scape



I tore it down because the turbo could easily knock them down, the rocks are just pile with ties that support each other.
and its really frustrating
Nice tank Autopro. Make sure that your flow plans let you get to the middle of your tank. Mine is 8' long and even with vortechs on both ends it can be a challenge to get enough random flow in the middle area. Take that into account when you design your aquascap. :)
Wow, that's :p Nice plating coral whatever it is btw.

Yeah...shot it with my camera phone haha
The video isn't as blue...the powerbrites knda throw the white balance off.
The plating one in front is a green cap.


nice tank Mike :)
Nice tank Autopro. Make sure that your flow plans let you get to the middle of your tank. Mine is 8' long and even with vortechs on both ends it can be a challenge to get enough random flow in the middle area. Take that into account when you design your aquascap. :)

Thanks for letting me know, I will take that into account, hopefully I won't have any problems.
I just become a member of the illusive club over the weekend. I picked up a 220gal (72Lx36Wx20H) peninsula glass tank with internal overflow. I am not sure if I am really going to like the shallowness of the tank or not at this point. I keep looking at my 180 with its 24 " height and question if a shallow tank is right for me. I guess I will have to wait and see. I don't have any pics of the tank yet and I am a ways from setting it up with construction ahead.
JR welcome to the club (or should I say welcome back). I would say the BIG factor for me has been the ease of maintenance. But since you already had a 24" @ 180 I would doubt the 4" difference in depth will be noticeable in your case. The only thing I miss when I look at "deep" tanks is being able to make those sweet high rock walls. But then anytime something falls over behind the rocks and I can just stick my hand in the tank and fix it I forget all about the "shallow" drawbacks.

Welcome to the club JR. I would have to agree with Mark in saying that 4" difference shouldn't be that noticable to you. In my opinion a shallow tank should be about twice as wide and long as tall give or take a couple inches :p So a 12" tall tank should be 2' wide and 2' long or so. I look at them as basically a sandbox or something like a reef version of a tidepool. For my next tank or when I redo my tank down the road I might just put mine three or four feet off the ground. Currently I spend as much time viewing my tank top down as from the side. Just swap out the office chair for a bean bag and I'm set :)