Shallow reef tank Club

Here's a piccie of my 30"x14"x30"


Very nice. Do you have any close up shots of the corners? They look clean and well done.
I just become a member of the illusive club over the weekend. I picked up a 220gal (72Lx36Wx20H) peninsula glass tank with internal overflow. I am not sure if I am really going to like the shallowness of the tank or not at this point. I keep looking at my 180 with its 24 " height and question if a shallow tank is right for me. I guess I will have to wait and see. I don't have any pics of the tank yet and I am a ways from setting it up with construction ahead.

I went from a 24" tank to a 20" tank and really like it. I'm 5'11" and have a hard time with my 24" tall tank and now with my 20" tank it's much easier. And for aquascaping, I didn't have to stack the rock as high either. I did compensate for the height a little bit with my stand. My stand now is 40" tall.
Thanks everyone. I think I will be happy with the shallowness once I get my hands wet. I see where you are coming from Mike, I really have a tough time getting items from the back of my current tank let alone just reaching the bottom. Now with a 36" span the lower wall height will come in handy.

Here are some shots when I first got the tank and prior to cleaning it up.


The only thing that slightly wories me is the black silicone seams. They are different than the clear ones as it only seems to be sandwiched between the two panes with only a small wedge on the inside. Bassically you do not see any silicone past the glass width. Is this normal with black silicone? I know I have seen it with many rimless tanks but I always seem to worry about the tank bursting at the seams.

Looks much like Firebrethas rimless

any thoughts, should I even worry about it since the walls are so short?
my enrty to the shallow club

my enrty to the shallow club

Rimless tank outside dimensions 20"x10.25"x4.75"
koralia nano
will have hermits and some zoas/softies
lighting a work in progress.
excuse the sham-wow, still making sure it doesn't leak!
Rimless tank outside dimensions 20"x10.25"x4.75"
koralia nano
will have hermits and some zoas/softies
lighting a work in progress.
excuse the sham-wow, still making sure it doesn't leak!

Not trying to be mean or anything, but just so you are aware that tank is gonna be hard to maintain with the way it's setup. You have to right idea regarding livestock though. Softies, zoa's and hermit crabs will probably do alright assuming you can keep your temps stable and nutrients in check through water changes, but you don't have a lot of water volume. I give you props though, think that's the first nano shallow tank I've seen. :cool:

You might be able to keep a fish in there, but it'd better not be a jumper unless you screen/cover that tank. Welcome to the club btw.
Not trying to be mean or anything, but just so you are aware that tank is gonna be hard to maintain with the way it's setup. You have to right idea regarding livestock though. Softies, zoa's and hermit crabs will probably do alright assuming you can keep your temps stable and nutrients in check through water changes, but you don't have a lot of water volume. I give you props though, think that's the first nano shallow tank I've seen. :cool:

You might be able to keep a fish in there, but it'd better not be a jumper unless you screen/cover that tank. Welcome to the club btw.

I agree. At this point it is just an experiment, nothing alive in it while I monitor water evap, temp and the like. If it ever looks stable enough, I'll add a hermit and snail or two and see how it goes. Corals down the line if everything seems to go ok. I have a plan in my head to add a small fuge, but I'm not sure about that. I have seen plenty of Pico tanks with lots of stuff in them though, so its got a chance.
Here are a few pics of mine. Dimensions are 48"x24"x18" (90g). Tank is SPS dominated.


This must be some variation of a golden ratio.... 4 / 2 / 1.5

Something about the dimensions of this tank make it look just perfect. Great job. I hope my Miracles 72 x 36 x 15 looks as nice as this one when it arrives. Beautiful tank! :bounce3:
Thats right folks another Club thread. I would like to have a place for everyone who has a shallow tank to post pictures, and share experiences. there seems to be quite a few shallow tank builds popping up and want to have a thread with pics of each one. :)

Only rule to Rule to join the club
Your tank should be longer or deeper than it is tall, unless it is a very large tank I would have to say 20 inches tall maximum??.

1st post should include the tanks dimensions a brief description of the tank and a Full tank shot.

First post I think pretty much sums up the requirements. :thumbsup:
Very clean kgk, I really like that aquascape since it reminds me of a little reef island you'd actually see. Nice work. How you like the vortechs btw? I added a Polario a week ago along with the two vortechs I have and man it's blowing stuff all over the place :)
Very clean kgk, I really like that aquascape since it reminds me of a little reef island you'd actually see. Nice work. How you like the vortechs btw? I added a Polario a week ago along with the two vortechs I have and man it's blowing stuff all over the place :)

I like them. I can't turn them up past about 1/2 way without blowing stuff all over the place. They do a good job for sure. I run them on Reef Crest mode most of the time.
I like them. I can't turn them up past about 1/2 way without blowing stuff all over the place. They do a good job for sure. I run them on Reef Crest mode most of the time.

I was switching between that and the lagoon mode, but since adding the Polario I now have them on pulse mode (full blast at 7-8 seconds intervals) which works good with the standard setting the Polario is on, that being 15 seconds each direction. You running Tek's as well, how do you like those if so?