Shallow reef tank Club

Strictly my opinion, but I would move the three lighter colored ones in the front somewhere else. I'm talking about the second one from the left with the darker colored purple patch and then the two directly in the middle. Either make another island with them or take them completely out of the tank and put them in your sump or fuge if you have one. It will open the tank up giving a bigger appearance I think as well as improve your water flow. It looks good now, but you asked for opinions. :cool:
Looking to get a new cube and upgrade from my 34 Solana SPS tank. Want to go the shallow reef route. Tank has to be 30x30 cube due to the position in the room. My question is what depth.....18 or 20? I know Marinland has a stock 70 gallon cube that's 30x30x18 but it has pretty thick trim which probably makes it look even smaller. Otherwise I would have to go custom( any companies in NJ ?) Lighting will be an ATI 24" Powermodule 6 T5 suspended from the ceiling (already in place from previous tank). 90% SPS in the tank. At 18" I think I might be burning corals unless I raise the lamp really high.
Looking to get a new cube and upgrade from my 34 Solana SPS tank. Want to go the shallow reef route. Tank has to be 30x30 cube due to the position in the room. My question is what depth.....18 or 20? I know Marinland has a stock 70 gallon cube that's 30x30x18 but it has pretty thick trim which probably makes it look even smaller. Otherwise I would have to go custom( any companies in NJ ?) Lighting will be an ATI 24" Powermodule 6 T5 suspended from the ceiling (already in place from previous tank). 90% SPS in the tank. At 18" I think I might be burning corals unless I raise the lamp really high.
Coast to Coast Aquariums in NJ will build you a tank as good as it gets but at a price heres mine about 6 months old now.



heres my build thread
That's a nice clean looking tank Stan. Cleaning those lids is gonna be a PITA after a while though and you'll have to do it since it'll cut down on your lighting if not. I Like the dimensions as well.
I'm posting a little early but here it goes. I built this tank this last weekend I still need to do the overflow and build a stand its 48x24x14 I wanted to go rimless but ended up eurobracing anyway just for piece of mind when it comes to my 4yr old and his insistent throwing of small objects. My plan is to change over my 72g bowfront sps tank to this tank.
here's my new 30x30x18 70g cube, I'd say it's in the shallower range. This thread helped inspire me to get it, so many gorgeous tanks on here :):



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I see a lot of 20" deep tanks. Is that the optimal depth for a shallow reef cube? I'm looking at an Ocean View tank, 30.5x30.5 LxW....and then I' can specify the height. Is there a certain math ratio that works for cubes or is it just preference. Would 21 or 22 work just as well or throw off the proportion?