Shallow reef tank Club

Hellow from Sofia, Bulgaria.
The new setup is running already.
Display tank: 31,5x31,5x16 with sump 31,5x27,5x16.
In progress...


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Hey guys i have a quick question for you. I recently picked up a 48x20x13 rimless acrylic tank. I would like to put a wave maker pump in it and am worried about it splashing out. I have been wondering about putting a euro brace on it. Not for support but just to keep the water contained. Wondering what you all would do. Its my first shallow/rimless tank.
Stork, the eurobracing might add a tiny bit of security but it's going to be mainly dependant on the water level in the tank. Knowing that I would be running a wave box on my current tank, when I had it built I had them cut the slits in the overflow nearly an inch deeper than usual so that I would drop the water level in the tank by the same amount. I think you're just going to have to set up the tank and fill with FW from the hose, get it running, and see where the water level is. If you're too close to the top you'll need to look at dropping the water level somehow to allow for the wave action. Once you've got the water motion dialed in, then drain and fill with proper RO/DI water and salt.
Homeytwist- Thanks for the insight. Never had to really worry about water splashing out due to the fact that i have always had a rimmed tank. Im excited to finally join the shallow reef club.
Is there anyone using an MP10 on their 1/2" glass tanks? I'm setting up a 36x30x16" tank that will be constructed with 1/2" glass and was wondering if you have any issues with using an mp10. Thanks!
Deep Blue Shallow Rimless FTS 48" x 24" x 16" LWH

Galaxy s4 Photos are little blurry because of the upload. Any better way to get a higher resolution photo to upload from my phone?


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