Show me a. milli un air?

not sure if this is a prostata or millepora but love it ! :

Ouch! That hurt my eyes. Its so so pretty! Do you have it under the T5's still, if so what tube combo are you using?

Thanks. :thumbsup:

It grew under t5 only (3 blue +, kz coral light, GE 6500k, Fiji, 2 aqua Blue special) but it is now under a giesemann spectra mh/t5ho combo that I love ! (phoenix 14 250w MH + 2 blue, 1 fiji, 1 actinic plus) and has kept its color.
Now, I want to make room in my tank to collect millis... Where do you find those milles Reefer831/Aqua80?
The palmers and rouge you can find it from most sps collectors or vendors, and the BA Mille, and electric Mille are from me.
Where do I sign up for the Sunkist? That is an awesome color.
I haven't cut any frags yet...I will be in a few months. here is a link you can see more of it in a video...
I still have the aquasd Mille it did change color a bit it is now more of a deeper red but it is on the side of the tank so not intense lighting