Show off your Ritteri (H. magnifica)

My mag will ball up sometimes,maybe once a week it is balled up right before lights come on.Next month will be one year in my tank.
A few pictures from last night:



Then I saw this.

Looks like a cut.. but I do not think so:



Very nice. Which one does the clown sit in the most?
Between the carpet and these? These. I have 4 clownfish and the other 3 booted him from the carpet so I picked up the first rittteri for him. Then I ended up with the second one by chance going to a store I go to once in a blue moon.


Hi everyone!!!

Browsing through this thread and their are some truly beautiful magnificas!! I have a dusky pink with blue tips and and a dark pink with yellow/green tips! Both are just beautiful. Keep the photo's coming :)
Cheers Julie
I would love to get one but you know how it is in Somd hard to get good nice anemones down here. Since you have a couple can I ask you a question on them I have a 90 gallon tank is that a large enough tank I know they can get big and I have almost half of the tank open. I just dont want to get one and not be able to supply it the room it needs because I do not see a upgrade anytime soon.
Where do you go? Try over at Quantum in VA. They have a good selection coming in on a regular basis.

How big is your sump?
How much LR do you have?
How old is the tank?

My ritteri is about 18 inches across.

My current anemone situation:

Those are ordered in how long they have been in my tank, with the LTA being the oldest right now.
I go to petco sometimes and look and corner critters also house of tropicals is what is around me I will have to check out Quantum. I don't run a sump the tank is 3 yrs old I have roughly 100lbs of LR I have three RBTA all been in there almost a year and that are all from the mother that sit on the far right side I was thinking of taking the left side and building up a pedestal for it so it won't move. If you dont think it is ideal then let me know and I will rethink my itch for one.
Yeah that will work.. Start a new thread in this area, the anemone and clown area, and lets get others ideas on it too.
Thanks Worm got to say your nems are incredible hopefully I can one to be that way soon my rbtas are nice but would like a little different look but want to make sure I will be able to keep one happy in what I have.
I see you have some clowns that swim upside down.

Very nice picture. How are the four of them getting along?