Yes. The same rules apply for flex PVC as with regular PVC. What is your goal with the flex PVC? The larger sizes are not terribly flexible, despite the name, and you may be just as well or even better off using rigid PVC with some 45° fittings.
Max flow through a 1" pipe depends on the drop (longer drop means more help from gravity & higher flows.) In general, you can get several hundred, to over 1000 gph with a 1" pipe at full siphon, so a 1.5" pipe would be more than overkill for you.
Where it matters more is with the open channel/Durso standpipe. This is what gives what I call the silent bandwidth (range of flows over which it flows silently.) A 1" durso standpipe has a very narrow range of flows that it can handle quietly before it starts to gurgle. 1.25 & 1.5" have significantly higher flows.
I would uses at least 1.25" for the open channel standpipe purely for this reason. You can still have a 1" bulkhead and use a bushing to upsize the pipe after the bulkhead.
Sweet, thanks Doc, I will have about 2.5/3' of drop. The sump is directly below the tank (not in a basement). Does the bushing affect my performance given the external box?
No more than it would affect the performance of an internal box. Every coupling, transition, joint, etc adds a bit of resistance to flow. A 1" - 1.25" bushing will add very little if you are going up in size.
That makes sense, won't the flow max out based upon the smallest choke point though? So with a 1" choke point will the 1 1/4" really help that much?
There is friction loss also to consider, so yes a larger pipe will help. But I don't really see any advantage to running 1" bulkheads over 1.5" ones if you are using an external box. If your siphon line has less than 1000 GPH I would switch to 1" piping on that line only, just so it has enough velocity to purge the air during startup. Other than that, there is no negatives and several benefits to running larger bulkheads and plumbing.
Keeping in mind that my return pump maxes out at 1500gph but is a dc pump and will run about 50% essentially. Also, this is only a 40b. Do I truly need to go bigger or will 1" meet my intended use without trouble?
I run all 1" on my 120g tank. My pump is rated at about 1000 gph and the siphon is closed about half way.
I would be concerned with larger pipe you wouldn't have enough flow to properly purge the siphon. I know with my tank as the return pump gets close to needing cleaning, the siphon starts to fail and the system gets noisy.