I have designed my Bean Animal and I just wanted to get some clarification if this will work correctly and the measurements are okay.
If every other measurement looks correct I will just need the depth (front to back) and height (top to bottom) that you would recommend the weir box.
I will drill 34mm holes for 1 inch bulk head. Will that fit correctly? and the inlet will also be 1" if that is all good please let me know?
What kind of tank and what size is it? The horizontal spacing of the holes is fine, although if you can space them out a bit more it would be preferable (1.5 diameters between holes gives a bit more of a safety buffer.) If you can't I wouldn't worry about it. Also, make sure the spacing lines up with your stand and sump so you don't have to add extra plumbing to avoid obstacles and get it where you want it.
For a rimmed tank, the top edge of the overflow should usually be placed at the bottom edge of the frame. That will put your water level out of sight just above the frame.
As far as the vertical height of the holes and the depth of the overflow box goes, that depends on what fittings you plan on using.
Take a look at this thread I posted a while back. It goes through the design process for my overflow box and will probably answer some of your questions.
Also, I would consider doing a coast to coast and running the return over the top. It ends up being easier to make and install, and it's easier to position the return outlet relative to the water surface so you don't get excessive back siphon when the water shuts off.
For an external box with the holes on the bottom you don't need the elbows on the siphon channel. You may need to adjust the height of the open channel plumbing; ultimately, that's what will set the operating depth.
I am currently working on my new build and need some suggestions for my bean animal overflow. I also have a few questions about it.
The overflow is an external overflow that measures 18 x 4 x 8. Water will flow to the external overflow via built in weirs. My goal is to be running around 1200-1800GPH. My sump has 3 inlets. 2 x 1.5" and 1x1".
Question 1) Would it be ok to have my bean animal use the following: 1" full siphon, 1.5" open channel and 1.5" emergency?
Question 2) Will a 1" be able to handle 2000GPH or less?m What is the max for the 1" siphon?
Question 3) When I build this system what parts should I actually glue together? Do I glue the Bean animal to my bulk heads, or would a tight slip fitting with some teflon tape be ok? I assume I glue everything else
Question 4) How do I determine how high or low the tee's go in the overflow? I want this to be as silent as possible. So when water drops into the overflow I would like that drop to be silent as possible....but also a safe distance.
- Probably. Depending on the head height and plumbing you may be pushing the limits of a 1" siphon. Is enlarging the hole in the sump an option? You can also use 1.25" plumbing for everything except the final connection to the sump.
- See my answer to #1. It depends on the head height and the plumbing. Beananimal has a calculator on his web site. A 1" siphon at a 36" drop has a theoretical flow rate of 2041 gph, so you're pushing things pretty close.
- If it would cause a problem when it comes apart it should be glued. Anything external should definitely be glued. If there are parts you need to be able to disassemble, use unions. Some people don't glue the internal fittings for the siphon line. This usually works, but sometimes you can get small amounts of air that gets sucked in round the non-glued fitting. The other internal fittings can generally be left unglued without an issue.
- Hard to answer without seeing your overflow. Can you post a pic/diagram?
I am currently working on my new build and need some suggestions for my bean animal overflow. I also have a few questions about it.
The overflow is an external overflow that measures 18 x 4 x 8. Water will flow to the external overflow via built in weirs. My goal is to be running around 1200-1800GPH. My sump has 3 inlets. 2 x 1.5" and 1x1".
Question 1) Would it be ok to have my bean animal use the following: 1" full siphon, 1.5" open channel and 1.5" emergency?
Question 2) Will a 1" be able to handle 2000GPH or less?m What is the max for the 1" siphon?
Question 3) When I build this system what parts should I actually glue together? Do I glue the Bean animal to my bulk heads, or would a tight slip fitting with some teflon tape be ok? I assume I glue everything else
Question 4) How do I determine how high or low the tee's go in the overflow? I want this to be as silent as possible. So when water drops into the overflow I would like that drop to be silent as possible....but also a safe distance.
Do the elbows on the siphon in the tank need to be pointed downward? My tank is drilled about a foot below the surface and in order to create less water in the sump that is siphoned out due to the pump shutting off, I would like to point them upwards. Is this ok??
Please help and thanks!