ok your answer confused me more than originally....
if the Simu-L is using two channels, how can the splitter work with it?
I have the following devices all needing to be plugged into the L ports:
Two SimuSpots, which go to my display tank, 30ft away
Two TunzeStream 6201 in my display tank. I know I need a tuzne1 and tunze2 and a Y splitter for these. 30ft away from the profilux
Also have a single tunze 6101 in my frag tank that I'd like to control.
I have the EX version of profilux so I have L1L2, L3L4, and L5L6.
So are you saying that I could plug both Simu-Spots into a single L port (L1L2) or so???? or would they then be the same brightness all the time? I want to use one simuspot for sunrise and the other for sunset.