SkullV's 40 Breeder SPS Reef


They Got My Number
Well, I tried to come up with a catchy name like "A Reef in the Desert" but I believe it's already been done. In any case, figured it was about time I post my SPS tank up here in the SPS forum. My only real build thread is on a local Chicago forum, but I moved across the country last June and don't post over there much other than that thread.

The tank has been up (in this iteration) for about 6 months now but I have had this rock and my female clownfish for several years now. They made the move across the country, along with a few corals and my late cleaner shrimp (R.I.P Pierre), in the cab of my Penske moving truck.

Summary Specs:

  • Tank - DIY Drilled Aqueon 40 Breeder with Modular Marine 1200GPH Low Profile Overflow
  • Sump - DIY Aqueon 20g Long with custom slotted refugium baffles from Modular Marine.
  • Controller - Neptune Apex
  • Lighting - DIY T5/LED Hybrid
  • In Tank Flow - Maxspect Gyre XF150
  • Protein Skimmer - SeaSide Aquatics ES5 Cone
  • Return Pump - Jecod DCT 6000
  • Dosing - Nautilis 2 pump and Seachem Reef Fusion 1/2 additives.
  • UV - AquaUV Advantage 2000+ 15w
  • Reactor - TLF 150 w/TLF Biopellets
  • Refugium Light - DIY Spectrum Ebay Par30 LED

As you can see, I'm pretty hands on with the construction of the tank. I don't like to buy systems off the shelf or used as they always come with limitations. I also like to design my systems to my exact needs and buying someone else's system or an off the shelf system can't provide that.

The tank is a standard Aqueon 40g Breeder. I drilled it myself for a Modular Marine 1200gph low profile overflow. In retrospect I wish I would have gone with a longer internal overflow box and may have him make me one. I also went with 1/2" return outlets in the tank to minimize size inside the tank. The overflow has a beananimal style drain and I couldn't be happier with it's performance and noise level (pure silence).




Like the display, the sump is a standard Aqueon tank. For the sump I went with a 20g long as it is the biggest tank I could fit in the stand. Unfortunately the sump is too large to remove with the tank in place, so once it was in it was in. Luckily, also like the display, I had Modular Marine cut all my baffles out of 1/4" acrylic so they are built to last. The middle two baffles, on either side of the refugium, are slotted with the same CNC machined slots as the overflow. This keeps any larger life from leaving that chamber and getting into the skimmer or return pumps. As a positive side effect, it also does a great job of keeping the cheato in that chamber and not letting stray strands get into the display.


The light is a DIY T5/LED hybrid I built using a Tek light, an actinic supplement kit from RapidLED and some AC Infinity Fan housings. I am currently using 16RB CREE LEDs and 2 CW CREE LEDs along with two ATI Blue +, one ATI Coral +, and one D-D Powerchrome Actinic+. My old RKL is in the second picture, I have since changed to an Apex.





Well that's the basics of the system so here's a FTS:


I know everyone loves pics, and as it happens, I love taking them so I'll post some more when I get home later tonight. Thanks for looking and feel free to comment, question, etc.
Tank looks mighty fine mate :) Tagging along for the ride!

Thanks! Here are a few of my current favorites:


ORA Marshall Islands Fuzzy Acro:

ORA Borealis:

ORA Red Planet:

ORA Joe The Coral:

TCK Pikachu (Turned almost all the way green, now turning yellow again, weird coral, give me the damn red polyps!):

Tyree Pink Lemonade:

*** Tierra Del Fuego:

WCR Rainbow:
A few more:

DFS Real Deal Echinata:

WCR Green Milli:

ReefGen Ghost Orchid:

WCR French B****:

No Name Milli:

No Name Monti (I have SUPER high hopes for this one):
Wow! You've done really nicely in such a short time! First off, that's a tough clownfish to make the cross country trip with you, it's very cool you took him with. Second, I love the DIY skills, very nice! But let's be real, it's really about the corals, and dang, you delivered:eek1:

I love love love the frags you have in there, you're getting great color and when those grow in you're gonna have a stunning display. I need to track down that real deal Echinata...that one is super awesome!
Love what you did to that tek unit! As mentioned by others, your DIY skills are superb. You have chosen a sweet variety of frags, I like that you chose some of the old school ORA stuff, but mixed it with a variety of sweet new ones too. I will definitely be keeping a good eye on this thread as this tank has serious potential. Nice skillz, congrats!!!
Very nice! Nice pictures :thumbsup:

Love the overflow

Some noice looking sticks there :)

Mint looking acros

Wow! You've done really nicely in such a short time! (...) But let's be real, it's really about the corals, and dang, you delivered:eek1:

Very nice. I've followed one of your old tanks. This already looks great. ☺

Love what you did to that tek unit! As mentioned by others, your DIY skills are superb.

Thanks guys! A big part of the hobby for me (maybe the biggest at this point since the tank is essentially stocked) is tinkering with equipment. My latest purchase is the Apex unit and I couldn't be happier about how much "playing" I get to do!

As much as I love the corals, I love my fish too. My current, and hopefully final, fish list is:

  • Cirrhilabrus lineatus - "Supermale" Lineatus Fairy Wrasse
  • Halichoeres cosmetus - Cosmetus Wrasse
  • Odontanthias borbonius - Blotched Anthers
  • Amphiprion ocellaris (1) - Early Release ORA Snowflake Ocellaris
  • Amphiprion ocellaris (2) - SA Frostbite Snowflake Ocellaris
  • Elacatinus oceanops x E. figaro - ORA Hybrid Cleaner Goby






Old(er) photo of the clowns:
Love the quality of the photos. Can you post a pic of the biopellets reactor? And how much pellets are you using?
Love the quality of the photos. Can you post a pic of the biopellets reactor? And how much pellets are you using?

Amazing tank. Great shots!

Thanks! Honestly I don't know what volume of pellets I'm using anymore. It started out as 50ml about 2 years ago and I add about 1tbsb every 6 months to make up for the consumed pellets. I think my VERY low usage of pellets has contributed to my success with them. I'm a firm believer that the "biopellets crashed my SPS tank" trend is related to overuse.

In addition to the pellets I run a "30g" bag of phosguard passively in my sump. It is changed out once a week or when I have to clean the glass more than once a week. I used to dose acropower but now that I have the Borb and feed so much frozen I stopped.


Thanks for the info re the pellets. The video doesnt work. Tried on my phone and desktop. Really wanted to see how you got the pellets running in the TLF reactor. I'd be grateful if you can repost the video to youtube. Thanks.
Thanks for the info re the pellets. The video doesnt work. Tried on my phone and desktop. Really wanted to see how you got the pellets running in the TLF reactor. I'd be grateful if you can repost the video to youtube. Thanks.

Weird, it's a YouTube video and works on my phone and desktop. I'll post the link directly and see if that works. If not let me know and I'll re-upload.

The best way to get the pellets working in the tlf reactor is to eliminate the bottom plate all together and use a small hose to make a positive connection between the top and the remaining hard tube.


Also, I should note that I change out the phosguard once a month or when I have to clean my glass more than once a week. It was a typo in my previous post.
Thank you. Link works.

Fantastic! I wonder why it wasn't working with the embedded video. In other news, added an MP10wES to the tank today. It is situated on the right side of the tank right in the "dead spot" left by the Gyre 150. Now I have zero dead spots and the few corals in/around that dead spot have the same excellent PE that the rest of them do!

Looking really good! I did something similar for flow in one tank a while back, it really helps in that dead spot under the gyre. Hmmm. That green flubber on the right is taking up valuable real estate that could be home to an acro island:D