Some update pics of my tank. PIC INTENSE!!


Awesome Dude
Here is a decent full shot of my tank. It is coming along. 5
months and still going.

Here is the latest addition to my tank. He is a white cheeked Tang.

Of course everyone has met the Pair of Black Onyx clowns that live in my tank.

A random shot of my green frogspawn. You can see both in the pictures above.

HaHaHa..... I don't care what the Tang police have to say. What would they do? Take away my birthday? They need to get a grip. It maybe in a 26 gallon tank but he is only 3 inches long right now and by this time next week, He will be in a much larger tank.
I have a 95 civic that is a work in progress and an 01 Jetta VR6 with a turbo kit, cold air in and full exhaust
I see that your clowns have made your frogspawn their "host" My pair have made my toadstool their "host". I think they will find a home in just about anything!