Yes I'm aware of that, and just in case, is it known an alternative treatment for these red bugs ?
Interceptor is really the best treatment out there. If you show the info I posted most vets should be able to help you.
Well I've seen kind of dificult to find interceptor here because seems that this dog desease is not very common here in mexico
but I see that Ivermectin is being used to treat heartworms in dogs also and I'm wondering is this could be or has been used to treat red bugs in corals.
No Ivermectin does not have the same ingredient but, as seen in this page
it is used to treat the same heartworm parasites
A good dip for AEFW is Marine Melafix. I battled them for about a year until I got them out of my tank. They are a definate nightmare. The Melafix is aggressive on pests and does not seem to hurt the coral. I have double dosed and it didn't kill coral. JME