Starting a 240 Gal Cube Tank

chetm2, YGPM. i trade 2x6200 for 2 wavebox. I will add two more 6100 at the front or move the 2x6200 to the front.
Chetm2 , When you get those corals from your reef community could you post them, I'm new at SPS,and I have several frags , I know what you mean when you talk about cost.....whoooo, what I see on RC... I sometimes wonder If I'll ever get that good, SPS growing in between each other. The fabulos colors ,I'ts amazing. But a lot of members start a thread (new from scratch )and in mouths they have fullsize spread of SPS, so I'm guessing they are buying big and in bulk , and have big money.
REEFER714 - thanks for the offer, I'm going to see how frags do with the flow I have first and then sometime switch over to the Waveboxes. I want to have some $ left for corals & fish ;)

smmscott - thanks for the reply. I hope to get some frags in the tank this weekend. I have started to siphon out the sand and have about half out, the difference in water clarity is amazing without little particles of sand blowing around. The tank is looking good very little algae other than the original brown diatoms. I think the high flow and heavy skimming is keeping things in check.
Well I finally have some coral in the tank, the auction was very cool and there was a lot of cool pieces around. I ended up with about 12 frags of mainly SPS. Here is the list,

1 - Orange Monti Cap
1 - Pink Monti Cap
1 - Green Zoo's (50 polyps)
3 - Monitpora Digitata (2 purple, 1 green)
1 - Acropora Nana (Purple Tip)
1 - Hydnophora (Neon Green, one of my favorites)
1 - Acropora loisettae (Blue/Purple)
1 - Acropora Formosa (Blue/Green)
1 - ORA Pocci (green)
1 - Green with purple cap

Here are some pictures, I really need to improve my photography skills, I'm just not getting the best shots.






Wicked tank!

If you are still looking for a solution for plumbing the chiller you could tee off your reurn pump to feed it instead of having the extra gen x pump. But it looks like you got that all figured out already.
Milleme & alien - thanks for the comments. I did use my return pump for the chiller and it seems to work just fine. I added 2 more fish, a Male Squareback Anthias who has been in hiding since I got him and a little less shy Copperband Butterfly. I'm still waiting to get my calcium reactor fixed so I can quit dosing B-ionic, not that I have a real high demand yet anyway. Anyway here are some more pictures, I was bored :)




a night shot of one of the Acroporas

Just a little update on the tank, I got the OM 4 way for the top closed loop running again after taking out most of the sand near the intake and now I have a cloudy tank :( The continual random flow keeps the remaining sand floating around and the water has a real cloudy look to it. My SPS seem ok but the polyp extension isn't as good as it was before.
I added a large brain and a sweet green bubble (thanks Fliger!) and 2 new fish, a Pomacanthuas chrysurus aka Chrysurus Angel and another Lubbocks wrasse. All are doing well and I know I'm taking a chance with the angel but I've come to terms with being a fish over coral guy. Now if he starts chowing down on all the corals in the tank I might have to rethink my position ;) Here are some more pictures.




I guess photobucket changed the max picture size, sorry they are so big. I also forgot to add that my Copperband died :( He was really skinny went I bought him but he ate well at the store as well as in my tank but yesterday we was barely able to swim. So I moved him to my sump and he entered fish heaven later that night. I am 0 for 2 with these guys so far and don't think I will try again unless somebody's had one in their tank for a while.
Regarding the return nozzles coming through the bottom of your tank, What happens if the power goes out? Does the water siphon into the sump?
dc_909 - no, they are the returns and intakes for the closed loops. A seal on one of the pumps would be the most likely and hopefully unlikey place for a leak.
hey zoos! :) nice to see you as well...

remember when i talked to you about my 30 cube. its up and running :)

Look in my galery for picks--i dont want to be a thread jacker :)

About that Hiding anthias...I recently got an anthias as well and he seems to enjoy hiding within the rockwork. However when he isnt spooked by somone walking by, he is very active, usuallly swimming around the front acrylic of my tank. :)...he seems to enjoy the flow :)

Good luck with your anthias...they are beutiful fish...but shy at times :)
chetm2- Everything looks awesome love the ceramics !

Let me know when you are ready for more frags I have lots stuff.
Zoos - Thanks, when are you starting your next one?
alien9168 - Thanks too. The anthias is now out a lot more, he is a pretty picky eater though. Mysis is really all he will eat. I've been using Zoecon to add some vitamins for everybody.
Lunchbucket - Thanks, on another note I was born in Aberdeen and grew up in Sioux Falls. My buddy from elementary & jr high is Ryan Sweeter, he does some sports newscasts on NBC in Sioux Falls. I will be up that way in October for Pheasant season.
clkwrk - Thanks, everything is doing pretty good, I think my Angel is a nibbler though, my sps and brain are really retracting their polyps until the lights go out and I caught him nibbling on the bottom of the brain the other day :( So I'm going to have to decide what to do. I love Angels, they are probably my favorite fish but... I've been putting a bunch of seaweed in for him and he goes to town on it so maybe that will help. I will be getting a hold of you soon :)
angels love LPS and brains... less calcium, more polyp (meat) as far as a fish is concerned. I stay clear of angels anyways because I have too many clams.