Starting a 240 Gal Cube Tank

shullat - Thanks, I missed you earlier.
hahnmeister - I know it was a risk but I will give him a chance. for a while anyway
Hey that tank looks great! I can't wait till all the coral starts growing more! Cory just showed me your thread tonight before he went to pick you up! We actually have a 75 gallon that we want to change into salt water but we have to wait till the fish are gone, so I'll probably pick your brain when the time comes.

Tank is awesome Chet, you certainly haven't cut any corners

I couldn't imagine seeing you driving down the road with that stand strapped to the roof, I am sure that was quite a site to see, where is the pic?? How are the Wavy Seas working out? I have been toying with the idea of picking up a couple down the road.
Thanks Ken, when I saw your post I was a little confused :) Let me know when your ready.

woodwrangler - thanks, where is your tank thread? I really like the wavyseas they have never given me any problems and they do a great job with randon flow throughout the tank.
Well I thought it was time for an update. I wrote a long one and then RC took a dump so this one will be shorter. I was having some cloudy tank issues that progressed to the point of almost zero visibility. It looked like the green water people add to their tanks. All my water parameters were great but the water wasn't. I ended up replacing my freshwater storage tank (old coke syrup container) after realizing it was from the residual sugar left in the container. I cleaned it with bleach and baking soda and let it sit for weeks before using it but I guess I didn't do a good enough job. I bough a 68 gallon trash bin with a lid and wheels from Lowes and hooked it back up to the float valve. I also added an Ocean Clear canister filter to help polish the water and then did a 60 gallon water change. 4 days later and the water is clearer than it ever had been. I was wondering why my tank always had a slightly cloudy look to it.
My next crummy issue was a large group hawaiian fish buy whe did a couple of weeks ago. I bought a Female and Male Lineatus Fairy Wrasse and a large Achilies Tang. The male wrasse died within 48 hours and about 5 days later the tang and the female wrasse came down with Ich :( Now most of my other fish are infected. I am running a tiny 8 watt UV sterilizer I had until I get a larger wattage one. I hope with the UV and the Ozone I'm running as well as the heavy feedings I won't loose any fish. I've dealy with Ich before and have one and lost, so hopefully this will be a win. I haven't added any other coral yet but plan on addding some more frags soon. All my other SPS are still alive, the cloudy water browned them out a little but they are still doing well. Anyway here are a picture of the female Lineatus and the Ich infested Achilies.


I doubt that that Tang will live unless it is QT'd. If you QT it in a 10g with an airstone, heater, and some formalin (5% formaldehyde in water, one drop per gallon) at about 85degrees, it should be gone in a day or two.
it may pull through if it continues to eat and isnt harrassed by anything else.... I have seen worse make it.... nice pics though.
Beautiful tank. I been comteplating this size of tank alot with a local tank builder. Or maybe a 4'x3'x2'. Its a tough decision. Keep the pics coming. Later Ryan
Thanks for the comments. If I could catch him I would try to QT him but so far I've failed. He keeps eating like crazy so hopefully he pulls through.
Well my Achilles didn't make it. He just kept getting more and more infested with ich and one day he wasn't eating well and the next he was done. I ended up hooking up a 40 watt uv so we'll see if it helps a little. I attended another Coral auction today and came home with some cool pieces.

Here is a night shot with some of the new pieces. I'll take some tommorow with the lights on.

Yeah, tangs are Ich prone, and from the ones Ive had, the ones that get a little bit can pull thrrough, esp with a cleaner shrimp or two in the tank, but when they begin to look like as glazed as yours did... its game over.
Yeah, the sad part is he was a healthy specimen, fat, good eater, non agressive. He was such a pain in the butt trying to catch, I spent about 3 hours trying to get him out. I know I could of just took all my rock out, but with the reef ceramic its hard to find buckets big enough to cover them in water. We all had bad luck with this group buy and I think it will be my last. I still want to get some kind of tang but I'm going to wait a little while.
Looking Really good, Chet!

Hope those pieces from the October auction do well for ya.

I'd love to stop by some evening after work and check out your system.
Thanks Robert, you did a great job auctioning! I will hopefully have the skins and canopy on soon so once they are done come on over.
was it ICH or marine velvet??

Travis has had an Achilies tang for almost a year i think not in a shoal. i think he is thinking his high flow has really helped out that fish. could talk to him for more details

Well Ich for sure, and it could of been a little marine velvet right at the end. He would hang out right where 2 of my closed loops merged together and shoot around the tank. Now my Squareback anthias has ich real bad. I think I'm going to have to pull all my fish out. I'm so ****ed at myself for adding the fish from the group buy. I just figured it was no different than buying the fish from one of my LFS that had just come in. Never, ever, ever again. :(
chetm2 - yeah getting ICH sucks. QT's are essential but i admit i dont' QT ONLY because i dont' have the room for one. when i get a house i will make sure to put on in.

there is a debate on ICH. some people suggest taking them out and doing the Hyposalinity treatment and other suggest it's like a will always be there just when will you catch it and let them fight it off. do a lot of research

chetm2- do you ever worry that your halides will melt your eurobracing? I am curious as I am debating weather or not to use acrylic for my next tank or not.
