Starting a 240 Gal Cube Tank

A 12" high outcropping costs $180 plus shipping walt smith fiji rock is $2 plus ship a lb online

I do like the look of the reed ceramic better though sells faux lace rocks ifanyone wants to go that route too
thanks reefer714, I guess i have to call for pricing huh?
Ironsheikh, your right the reef ceramic does look better. thanks for the address.
danielboun - reefer714 was correct, and I dealt with Scott. It looks like they won't send UPS anymore, I'm not suprised as UPS broke more than one of my pieces. I think my total was around $700 or so for all the pieces I have including shipping. With live rock the shipping is the killer. I have about 125 lbs of reef ceramic and about 15 lbs live rock. Figure about $4 - $7 a lb shipped for live rock. So it actually is pretty close price wise.
If i don't have my LR, i would go with reef ceramic any day. Look great, great shape, no odd piece. I have approx 150 of LR left over after set up my cube. Most of it is flat.

Chetm2, i am very happy the flow in my tank. two wavebox does make a different
what can brown do for you !
sometimes i wonder how they make money
a lot has to do with packing but when you have a 70lb package
falling on top of a 20lb well just imagine.
steve68 - yeah, I prefer UPS to the other guys but I've had more than a few issues with them lately.
REEFER714 - cool. looking forward to seeing it.
Well it's almost been a month and it looks like the tank has cycled pretty well. I had the brown diatom algae and the snails I put in went to work and cleaned the tank pretty well. After some prodding from my wife and girls we added some fish today and they are all doing well.

I received my replacement ballast from Icecap and got it hooked back up. I have to say great customer service, I emailed and gave them my address and that was it. My ReefKeeper2 blew another fuse and this time I can't get the fuse out so I'm hoping to get a replacement back soon. I'm not sure if I just have too much stuff running thru it or if something was wrong with the one I had. It is really a neat device and I know now that I will never have a tank again without some sort of controller and my Tunze auto-topoff.

I finally got my Co2 tank filled and got my Geo Calcium Reactor hooked up only to find out that it leaks from the top o-ring area. He already offered to pay to ship it back and repair it so looks like that will wait a little longer. Seeing as there are no coral in the tank yet, better now than later.

Here is my fish list for now and some pictures. :)

3 - Green Chromis
2 - Bartletts Anthias (plan on adding about 3 more)
2 - Ocellaris Clowns (wife wanted too)
1 - Lubbocks Fairy Wrasse

chet..i just ordered my 36x36x30 cube and im thinking of going with reef ceramics as well. how do you like them so far? any problems?
sabodish - I really like them, I haven't tested for phosphates yet but will soon. That would be the only ? thing for me. Not cheap but worth it.
very nice tank-I was thinking or doing a qube but it looked to hard. u have done a great job on yours though. cant wait to see more pics
Beautiful set up. And you are only in the early stages. When you start adding corals, are you going to use frags or small colonies?And how long do you think it will before it will be fully stocked to the point when only thing to do is to watch them grow and fill out?
brian is cool & jzdad - Thanks! I will be starting with frags and see how everything does. I was at one time a SPS killer and don't want to go down that road again ;) We have a pretty active Reef community here in the Phoenix area so later this month I will be getting some frags and if things go well on to some smaller colonies. I imagine it will take a couple of years at least to get to the point of just watching everything grow (not to mention the cost!)
REEFER714 - Very cool, I am going to look into switching out my top closed loop. Where did you get the Wavebox and extension?