Steve's 480g upgrade 730g total Zeovit system

Thanks Steve, I'll tread cautiously.

Kinda funny though, in the pic you posted, all I see is some nice colored corals? Where's the lettuce algae you're talking about?:lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14995229#post14995229 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ed Reef
Red slime not much IME as I think CS mix w Bak is more effective but great for diatoms and algae.

I also notice that Zym works better if use from the initial start-up (before all the hell algae takes over the tank). I now dose this twice/week and CS and twice/week in different times with my Zym and my sand bed looks brand new


I better hurry up and get my bottle. Thank you for sharing Ed... I will move some stuff around this weekend when i add more corals. The Zoas and Yumas rock have to go. They look odd in my tank and it took away the open look...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14995246#post14995246 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dave's Reef
Thanks Steve, I'll tread cautiously.

Kinda funny though, in the pic you posted, all I see is some nice colored corals? Where's the lettuce algae you're talking about?:lol:
Look at the rock. It covered my rock from top to bottom and the only way to fix it was the Blonde naso... I will add a pair in couple weeks.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14995250#post14995250 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dave's Reef
Also, if not Reefer's Best, then "what" salt do you like?

I either go with Tunze, HW or Tropic Marin Pro. HW and Tunze are the same except tunze has higher Ca and Kh just like Reef crystal and instant ocean... Same company but one is higher parameter than the other. I will order couple bucket once my TM Pro run out
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14995258#post14995258 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head
I either go with Tunze, HW or Tropic Marin Pro. HW and Tunze are the same except tunze has higher Ca and Kh just like Reef crystal and instant ocean... Same company but one is higher parameter than the other. I will order couple bucket once my TM Pro run out

D&D H2O is another salt brand you can look at....been reporting spot on params for zeo heads :p
I like Naso's... never had one before so, based on this "inside" info, I'll have to add it to my fish wish list:D I was thinking of possibly a Unicorn or baby Vlamingi as well?

What kind of camera are you using for your pics? I've got a pretty good 10 mega pixel point and shoot Sony but for tighter more detailed shots of the corals and such it doesn't quite cut the mustard?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14995264#post14995264 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ed Reef
D&D H2O is another salt brand you can look at....been reporting spot on params for zeo heads :p

Yeah but i heard it has a white stuff on the surface...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14995266#post14995266 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dave's Reef
I like Naso's... never had one before so, based on this "inside" info, I'll have to add it to my fish wish list:D I was thinking of possibly a Unicorn or baby Vlamingi as well?

What kind of camera are you using for your pics? I've got a pretty good 10 mega pixel point and shoot Sony but for tighter more detailed shots of the corals and such it doesn't quite cut the mustard?

I use nikon D90 with nikkor 60mm Micro lens. Sometime i use the small Sony point and shoot Camera..
Tank looks awesome, i think the rock could use some work. less is more but besides that everything looks great.

the Food7 has fallen out of favor in ZEOville, heck they dont even reccomend as part of the basic system much anymore, pohls extra and sponge power seem to be more reccomended as starting additives. i havent used food7 for over a year, no worries as long as you have PCV and AAHC you dont need it.
its still fine to use nothing bad, but i prefer being able to adjust the PCV and AAHC separately

from what i can tell its AA,PCV, and vinegar or some vinegar smelling carbon source, so you can adjust the dosages of the AA,PCV,Start2 independently.

in your case i would suspend its use until the brown stuff clears up.
I am not suspense anything yet. I either cut down the dosage or keeping it the same. But i know the Food 7 has change recently and if you overdose on that you pretty get the nice and brown stuff on your rock.
exactly, thats why i say hold off on it, your corals wont die because they go without it. If they do i will quit this hobby....

if you know it causes the brown crap why not stop dosing till the bacteria has a chance to outcompete it?
ok cool, well i hope it clears up, i am battling a bit of it from adding a sandbed to my tank.

i did 3 days no lights and it seems to come back. Meh i guess i will live with it for now, i might order some ZEOzyme, i am almost out of PCS.
darnit...I fell asleep. :rolleyes: Looking good Steve...a little quick on the draw though. I figure your experience will get you through that eh?
Same thing happened to my old tank when i decided to add 240 lbs of live sand into the tank :D. You don't see any adverse effect with the blackout on your corals?

Update on the Ca Reactor:

I check on the reactor this morning before i leave for work. The pH has dropped down to 7.0 after 10hrs from 8.2 - 7.0. I hope by the time i get home today it will drop lower. I will test the parameter tonight as well. I do not want to have an alk swing or Ca off the roof. I will fill up my 20lbs CO2 tank this weekend just incase the 10lbs run out from filling up the chamber. I will add more Zeomag this weekend as well.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14996549#post14996549 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
darnit...I fell asleep. :rolleyes: Looking good Steve...a little quick on the draw though. I figure your experience will get you through that eh?

Jon, i know i move a bit too fast but the corals should be fine. I have to put up with the brown out for couple weeks then it should be back to normal. I will add more frag this weekend and 2 weeks from now my tank should be full with all Joe's corals. My goal is to add everything at once and stop messing around with it. I want to avoid pest at all cost :D but again it is hard to do...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14995006#post14995006 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head



Jeez, it looks like that tanks been up for a while already. I think the only thing that is more ridiculous than your calcium reactor is the rate you are filling up the tank, lol. If this gets a chance to grow in and mature, theres no way it doesnt end up TOTM.