Steve's 480g upgrade 730g total Zeovit system

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15016009#post15016009 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head
As for the Tunze, what exactly wrong with it? Any alarm? I don't think you are due for cleaning yet. Have you check the transformer make sure the light is on?

As for Calcium and Magnesium supplement i like the reactor better but most people like the dosing.....

No alarm and the lights are on. Controller is lighting up as it should so I am guessing the pumps have an issue. I took them apart tonight and they still look brand new, no algae or anything. O-ring and everything seemed to have been seated properly. I'm at a loss, I guess I will need to send them off. Sucks.

I built a DIY Kalk dripper and dosing Kent Coral Builder to get me by until I make up my mind. I have never run a reactor so I am a bit intimidated by them.
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Plenty of people who can coach you with a reactor. I would not worry so much about bubble count, as I would pay attention to the effluent rate and pH. If you have a controller, then bubble count is a little more enough to get the pH down, and just not so much that it cavitates your pump.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15019438#post15019438 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 46bfinGA
No alarm and the lights are on. Controller is lighting up as it should so I am guessing the pumps have an issue. I took them apart tonight and they still look brand new, no algae or anything. O-ring and everything seemed to have been seated properly. I'm at a loss, I guess I will need to send them off. Sucks.

I built a DIY Kalk dripper and dosing Kent Coral Builder to get me by until I make up my mind. I have never run a reactor so I am a bit intimidated by them.

Sound like your driver is fried... Send them in dude. Tunze has very fast turn around...
Wow, my Calcium reactor is strong :D. I test my parameter today and found out the Alk jump up to 9.5 from 7.5, Calcium went up to 400 from 350... I drop the bubble count as well as slow down the effluent....
JMO but I think you have way too much media for very little demand. I would guess you will have a wicked outbreak of coraline algae, and without an urchin, it will seal up all the pores on the rock before your cycle is even really over.
Hey Steve,

I didn't know you like Blochi Anthias. Check out this link; you could have brought 3kgs for $17/kg :lol:


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15012382#post15012382 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head
My tank have 3 new members today. A friend drop off 3 good size Bonbonius Anthias. He can't have them in his tank because his Crosshatch want to have it for snack... Lucky me... Will post some pic as soon as i get to see them.

I did some dirty work today on the fish food. I bought a large sheet of Mysis and Blood worm rinse them out with RODI water then mix them with ROD's food of two type one sheet of each plus half a bottle of garlic. I hope my fish will enjoy the special recipe :D. I am going to mix more stuff with my frozen food. here is the list that i want to do.

ROD's food
Blood worm
Ocean blankton
Fresh sea weed
reef nutrition oyster egg
Reef nutrition Artic pod
Frozen rotifer
Frozen Cyclopee
Garlic extract

I will mix them all and make a sheet out of it. So every time i feed, the fish should get everything...
Now only if I can find a way to re-vive them :lol: Any scientist in the house??

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15022540#post15022540 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
My Lord that is disturbing.
It's a strange social thing though when you think about it. I eat fish all the time, but not "pet grade"? Maybe because the ones I eat are ugly?

We eat cows but other cultures deem them sacred. And we keep dogs as friends, whereas many people around the World just view them as stored protein. I have seen my Father eat an urchin live while scuba diving...
Bring home a few friends today :D.

2 Blotchi Anthias :D
1 Yellow eye tang
1 Orange shoulder tang
1 Potter wrasse
1 red tail tamarin
1 Arabian psuedo chromis
1 Oblique psuedo chromis

I really want to add the Achilles but i do not want to start the ich in my tank.....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15023976#post15023976 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ian
thats me right now :lol:

Hope you are not laughing at me :D. Call me if you have the chance...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15023812#post15023812 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head

I really want to add the Achilles but i do not want to start the ich in my tank.....

I added an Achilles to my tank about a month ago and ended up losing nearly $600 worth of Tangs. I was not happy. I believe those fish are evil and belong in the ocean or next to the blotchi anthias on ice. LOL
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15024373#post15024373 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head
I believe your tank have to be at least 1yr old before you can add that fish...

The Achilles I got was from a friend of mines tank that he had for over a year. Once I put him in my PBT was all over him for the first couple days. Within the next two weeks I had 6 Tangs and 3-4 other fish that dies from Ich. It spreaded so fast among the fish and I could not catch them to Quarantine them. Maybe I will try again in a couple years who knows. Beautifull fish though.
Ich is always present I think, just managed by healthy fish. Next time you try to add a fish to an already established system, try increasing the feedings plus adding vitamins etc. Perhaps even switching to home-made food would be a good idea.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15024461#post15024461 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 46bfinGA
The Achilles I got was from a friend of mines tank that he had for over a year. Once I put him in my PBT was all over him for the first couple days. Within the next two weeks I had 6 Tangs and 3-4 other fish that dies from Ich. It spreaded so fast among the fish and I could not catch them to Quarantine them. Maybe I will try again in a couple years who knows. Beautifull fish though.

My local fish store has 1 in stock for a week already. The fish seem healthy and not looking like a Gem tang yet :D. I was tempted to get the fish but i have too many fish in my tank as this point and i do not want to bring home the ich magnet. If the fish still around till next week, i will more than likely take it home.

Jon, i really want to make some home made food but i barely have time to do water change. My wife will kill me if i spent too much time making fish food..