Steve's 480g upgrade 730g total Zeovit system

Did you say 15???? WOW..... can't wait to see this?? I've never seen anything more than 3 Purple tangs together and that alone they fight!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15025241#post15025241 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ed Reef
Did you say 15???? WOW..... can't wait to see this?? I've never seen anything more than 3 Purple tangs together and that alone they fight!!

Ed, my goal is 20 purple tang, 10 yellow but depend on my budget at the time.. I heard purple tang doing very well in large group. I have seen 20+ purple tang in one tank before and it wasn't that big either
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15024541#post15024541 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
Ich is always present I think, just managed by healthy fish. Next time you try to add a fish to an already established system, try increasing the feedings plus adding vitamins etc. Perhaps even switching to home-made food would be a good idea.

Agreed :)
A note about the purples and yellows...I notice they go through social cycles, at least in my system. At times they will pick on one, not let it out of the caves, etc. I have seen one yellow that I thought would buy the farm he got so skinny, and then one day he got tired of it and started coming out.

I really don't fully understand what they are up to of course, but each fish in the group has at one time or another fallen into dis-favor. This will generally last for a few days to a couple weeks. And I know the purples have a reputation for being aggressive, but my yellows are just as bad if not worse. I do see somewhat of a correlation to water changes. In other words, if I skip a couple, they seem to get more rambunctious. Just an observation here.

Oddly enough, PBTs seem to have the same reputation, but mine is a model citizen. I surmize from my experience that it really is down to individual personality and group dynamics. (LUCK OF THE DRAW) But I do strongly believe that good water quality and top-notch food are key to a peaceful reef.
That'll be awesome to see that large of a group of purple tangs. Steve, are you sure your skimmer is big enough to handle that load? :lol:
Jon, I hope they will not Duke it out in my tank because 15 purple got into a fight that don't look good at all :D

Joe, i think my protein skimmer should be able to handle it...

Nick, I have been running 4 pumps for awhile now. I may have to turn on all the pump :D
I have a second thought on Crosshatch as my friend has some problem with his crosshatch being aggressive toward smaller fish. I have 5 blotchi anthias and my goal is to reach 10, i do not want the crosshatch to have them for snack.. I will wait for a smaller one. The one i bought couple weeks ago i let my friend take over and have it in his tank....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15024541#post15024541 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
Ich is always present I think, just managed by healthy fish. Next time you try to add a fish to an already established system, try increasing the feedings plus adding vitamins etc. Perhaps even switching to home-made food would be a good idea.


Thanks guys.

I quarantined the powder blue as I have always done in the past, 6 weeks in an isolation tank. Bare bottom, couple of PVC pipes, no medication.

After the 6 weeks, if there's no signs of pest or disease and they are eating well, into the DT they go.

That's what I have done for the past 7 years, but from now on I will be treating with quinine as if they are infected.

I was talking with a fish importer here in Aus who said he has seen fish that were carriers of white spot and he treats every fish now with quinine.

I will also be dipping all new corals in Melafix and then Qting them for 3 months, in case there are any eggs on them.

I never want to go through this again!



Posted by Rod the Reefer on 04/25/2009 01:19 PM
Rod's Gyre flow, Natural light, SPS dominated Reef
Melafix for corals? This is the first time i heard of this. I have been dipping my coral into coral revive and interceptor as well as TMPCC
crazzy: I know a lot of LFS treat fish whether they are showing signs of illness or not, but unfortunately, the treatment can often be harder on the fish than the possible illness.

I have a hard time with that, but I also have felt at times that the QT'ing itself was hard on the fish.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15031465#post15031465 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head
Melafix for corals? This is the first time i heard of this. I have been dipping my coral into coral revive and interceptor as well as TMPCC

Melafix is becoming well known for killing (or at least stunning) various bugs including AEFW. The nice thing about Melafix is that it is a natural product and seems to not adversely effect corals. I went to a local reef meeting and saw an amazing demonstration with a colony infected with AEFW. It was set in a bowl with Melafix and the AEFW just fell right off, not damage to the coral.
That is good to know. I will definitely try it whenever i add coral. Will that only applicable to SPS or other coral as well? I always dip my zoas in fresh water :D
They don't shoal :mad2: My two biggest one always lock jaw....


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15030416#post15030416 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head
Look like the Blotchi anthias don't like each other.... :D
I am not sure about LPS. Haven't tried that or heard anything about it. And a good FW dip for zoas works well IMO, but you still need to pick any eggs off.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15032112#post15032112 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hogall
They don't shoal :mad2: My two biggest one always lock jaw....


I hate it when my expensive fish starting to get into a fight. I suppose to have 5 in my tank but i can only find 4 :(... Hope the purple tang won't go wild in the tank as well.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15032129#post15032129 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
I am not sure about LPS. Haven't tried that or heard anything about it. And a good FW dip for zoas works well IMO, but you still need to pick any eggs off.

I always dip my LPS and Zoas in TMPCC and fresh water.. they like like crap afterward....