I got lots of fun done this weekend, with the help of Joe (poknsnok) and Adam (Adam82). We assembled some rock pillars with 3/4" acrylic rod. We put lots more rock in the sump. The 125 gallon sump is about half full of rock.
I set the larger corals on the rock in the tank, and my 50 QT is full of the smaller pieces. I'll take my time to try to place the corals in a their "perfect" locations.
Then I drained the 300 Rubbermaid down to about 4 inches of water to make it easy to catch the Vlamingi, Thompson's, Blonde Naso, and Purple Tangs.
I further drained the Rubbermaid down to about 1 inch of water and placed a foot long 4x4 under one end so all the small fish would be easier to catch in the shallow water of the other end.
I caught the G. bellus, G. Melanospilus, Royal Gramma, 3 Chromis, 3 Yellow Coris Wrasses, 3 Bartlettt's Anthias, and Copperband Butterfly.
After about an hour, I threw in some food and every went nuts, so it appears that all are well.
One sad note, I had 4 Oscellaris Clowns when everything was moved into the Rubbermaid, and they disappeared one by one. I have no clue what happened to them.
Here's some pics.
Adam and his son Gage.
The light rack will get shortened and suspended tomorrow.