Success with hot pink Yumas

The key is patience. Take your time acclimating them. Start them in the shade and when you see them reaching for light, move them a little closer. This can take weeks but when you pay in excess of $100 for a yuma, a little time is nothing. I have had great success with all kinds of yumas and had my pink one for about 2 years now.
aha... I have a simple Nikon S51 Point-N-Shoot

my gf is a photographer so I got some lessons on macro photography... that always helps haha
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11893376#post11893376 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrisdamage
aha... I have a simple Nikon S51 Point-N-Shoot

my gf is a photographer so I got some lessons on macro photography... that always helps haha
