Sweet, sweet sand, how did I ever live without you.(VIDEO INSIDE)

i can't imagine keeping a reef tank without sand, and I like all the critters that live and play in it. I have had sand in my 20L for a couple of years now and I don't have algae problems. Snails and water changes are our friends!

I am curious about your flow changes as well. Do you shoot the pumps at the rocks just below the corals, at the corals, or at the glass?
excuse me... but your tank is absolutely amazing!


looks great! your fish are so active too! those tunzes look like they're giving the fish quite a workout near the center =) And no sandstorm. Good work! awesome sps ;)

Those powerheads are the 1200 maxi-jets and are connected to the reefkeeper. The RK has them on cycles allowing them to alternate current.

And yes, I have those powerheads hitting the glass and circulating against each other, you get a real nice influx of water that spreads all over the tank.

I'm debating whether to get the Tunze 6100 or just the 6000 for more turn over rate.

Any ideas which one?


I just don't want overkill in my tank, it's only 72 gallons...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6845412#post6845412 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mrkrispy
i can't imagine keeping a reef tank without sand, and I like all the critters that live and play in it. I have had sand in my 20L for a couple of years now and I don't have algae problems. Snails and water changes are our friends!

I am curious about your flow changes as well. Do you shoot the pumps at the rocks just below the corals, at the corals, or at the glass?

Is this question directed at me?

Just asking, because someone seems to have hijacked MY thread:rolleye1: :rolleye1:
Very nice. I have a shallow sand bed also, and have no PO4 or nitrate. Many different methods work well for those of us with good husbandry, I'm sure you will not regret it! BTW, I have a black cucumber that keeps my sand nice and white, he moves over the whole sand bed in about a weeks time, a very beneficial animal IMO (even though he looks like a turd :) )

IMO, from what I've researched, most people who go from BB back to sand is usually because their equipment isn't as good as they originally thought it was, their tank wasn't set up "properly", and they see their nitrates/nutrients rise..

It's actually refreshing to see someone doing for aesthetics and not user error. :)

Tank looks great.. :thumbsup:
I consider my self anal when it comes to my tank i work very hard to keep it clean but my tank is 11 years old with the same LR and large fish some of them are over ten years old yes i like the way sand looks more natural .
But my problem was after two years the sand was getting dirty and the only way to keep it clean was to siphoned some out and replace it was to much work the tank is 7 foot long if the tank was smaller that may change my mine.
I now Run My ugly BB tank for three years i have not one speck of algae any where in the tank.

Everyone please calm down, I am not out to make this a BB vs Sand thread :D .

Whatever floats your boat. :P
I agree . This thread isn't for that at all. Please leave out the pictures unless Sunny asks for them . This is his thread about his tank not a thread for everyone eles to show their sand or cyano covered sand .Sorry

It's just for Sunny to show us what the tank now looks like .

Main thing is Sunny is happy with the look of the tank and that is what matters most . To each their own!

BTW -mikeguerrero- 8months keeping sand clean isn't hard or a major accomplishment .
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6847557#post6847557 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by clkwrk
I agree . This thread isn't for that at all. Please leave out the pictures unless Sunny asks for them . This is his thread about his tank not a thread for everyone eles to show their sand or cyano covered sand .Sorry

It's just for Sunny to show us what the tank now looks like .

Main thing is Sunny is happy with the look of the tank and that is what matters most . To each their own!

BTW -mikeguerrero- 8months keeping sand clean isn't hard or a major accomplishment .

Thanks clkwrk, couldn't have said it better myself. ;)

I'm not blind to the fact that sand CAN get dirty in a couple years, if it were to happen I would simply siphon it out and add new sand.

People need to take these issues more lightly, it not a religion. :lol:
At the end of the day both sides have many examples of great tanks.

On a positive note, I have noticed that my Ph has been much more stable since adding the sand. The sand had been soaking in saltwater for a few days prior to putting in into my display, mainly to offset the CA and Alk absorption.
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oh so stunning! i ripped down my 29 last night and put sand back in, like you im so much happier now

Good luck and keep us posted
By the way SunnyX, your tank is absolutely gorgeous, I hope to have a tank your size, that clean in the near future...

I guess the author overlooked that I complimented his tank and would like to model it for one of mine in the future.

Then I have clkwrk telling me I have no room to talk since I haven't had my tank for as long as he deems room for accomplishments.

I thought I'd share my belief in sand beds when I saw your thread but I stand as a hijacker, and rather than label others I'll just admire your tank from a distance and not make any further comments.

I thought threads were about sharing and learning, I guess the way you see it, is if your not the author don't post your pics.

Sorry I offended your thread, wasn't my intent.

Mike G
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6850461#post6850461 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mikeguerrero
By the way SunnyX, your tank is absolutely gorgeous, I hope to have a tank your size, that clean in the near future...

I guess the author overlooked that I complimented his tank and would like to model it for one of mine in the future.

Then I have clkwrk telling me I have no room to talk since I haven't had my tank for as long as he deems room for accomplishments.

I thought I'd share my belief in sand beds when I saw your thread but I stand as a hijacker, and rather than label others I'll just admire your tank from a distance and not make any further comments.

I thought threads were about sharing and learning, I guess the way you see it, is if your not the author don't post your pics.

Sorry I offended your thread, wasn't my intent.

Mike G

I was never offended.
I just got a little thrown off after people were asking questions and I didnt know if they were dirrected at you or I.

I just didnt want the thread to go really off topic by having everyone posting pics of BB and DSB tanks.

Know what I mean ;)
Sunny, yours is still one of my favorite aquascaped tanks. I'm setting up a 48x32 and from the start I had your aquascaping in mind, kind of a big "L". Its fantastic. I'm actually putting all my LR on starboard, with sand in the front of the "L". I love your sig.

Zoom, you tank looks fantastic - sand or no sand.
Zoom, you tank looks fantastic - sand or no sand. [/B][/QUOTE]
Thanks Fliger .


Every time is Sand bed or BB thread you going to have a opposition you like it or not .
Everyone thinks there way is better.
Sorry I misguided your thread .
I get my pictures out of your thread.
And i will unsubscribe from this thread.
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