Tangs for a beginner.

My Kole was difficult to feed in quarantine at first because of nerves. I actually had to go to the next room before he would come out and eat. While in quarantine he would browse all day, eat seaweed, and frozen offerings if I was not in the room with him. After a while he got used to me and turned into a pig and is now the dominant fish in his dispay.
Nice to see all the replies lol.

Problem is I gotta find a Purple Tang lol, and they don’t come often or cheap where I am lol.

Yellows are by far the most common Zebrasoma Tangs here. The Bristletooth Tangs are also relatively common.

Whichever Tang I get it’s got to play well with my Genicanthus angels, One Spot Foxface, Clown pair, Hawkfish pair, basslet, Cardinals and Marine Betta.